
Latin American History Stacks

602 words | 3 page(s)

The history of Latin America refers to the Spanish and Portuguese speaking countries in the Americas and usually covers the small islands within these territories. These may include countries and islands like Belize, Guyana, Haiti and Suriname. The history of these countries and the islands is contained in the library of the Institute of Latin American Studies libraries. In these libraries, the library collections regarding the Latin Americans histories according to the Library of the Congress classification were incorporated and integrated within the Latin American Senate Houses and the Caribbean Studies and collections. This led to the creation of a renewed Senate Collection, which includes the holdings and the powers of both the Institute of Latin America Studies and that of the Senate House Library. All the two combined together attributed to the voluminous library stacks that go up to 90,000 volumes just on the Latin Americans at the research levels.

In order to find the Latin American History Stacks in this library, one needs to understand the geographical location of the documentaries or collections where these library materials are located within the libraries. This will include the identification of the location of the South in addition to Central American nations as well as the Caribbean islands. These locations are needed to help improve the understanding of the regions and with close relation to the present situations. This will aid in the analysis of the impact of the current trends in development and their developmental tracks within the context of these documentaries’ information on the countries.

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The collections in the libraries indicating the strengths of the documentaries and the tracks should be maintained and secluded from any interference. However the location of the collections may seem general, the subjects that cover these documentaries in the libraries will include: Sociology, history, politics, economics, anthropology, gender studies combined with emphatic literature on these past cultures and regions and the films that contain these histories. The documentaries regarding the Latin American Histories are also regarded with great response as they contain the original information on these nations.

In the identification of these documentaries if you are going through the Institute of Latin America Studies then the strength of the library must be adhered to. In this response, you get to the catalogue of the library and search on the History books shelves. Being these are very complex libraries within the Institutions, one need to understanding the location and direction in these libraries. In the catalogue, note the shelf number, the book number and the entire location of the departmental books on this. Take the crossbar to the sited direction of location in the library and after getting into the right place choose the shelf number as you might have noted and look at the book number in the stack. This will lead you to find the book as you might have noted at the catalogue.

In the reference stacks, you will need to identify the book types be it the dictionary, encyclopedia, journal article, periodical, atlases or even the subject specific works that directly links to the topic of the history of Latin Americans. The library includes all the books and documentaries that relate to the topic and the use of the computer graphics will be needed to guide in the location of the documentaries. The language in which the information is documented varies, and this also influences the location. These can be English, Latin, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The computer graphics helps in provided proper information on the collections and thus eases up the whole process of finding the documentaries which are in large volumes.

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