
Cyberbullying And Teenagers

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Cyberbullying has risen currently significantly among most countries. This topic has risen as over the media via the social media, which has been talking over the same issue for several times. Cyberbullying is the act of bullying that takes place by the use of electronic technology. This issue has risen due to the increase in the use of technology among the youths (Jacobs, 2010). Example of the electronic technology includes such electronic devices and equipment for example mobile phones, computers as well as tablets among other communication tools such as the of social media, texts messages and other websites. Examples of cyberbullying is spreading of rumors through the email or posing it on the social media as well as the embarrassing photos and videos and the use of fake profiles to bull another individual (Rogers, 2010). Those victims of cyber bulling may be affected in the person and may not get a solution over that particular problem that easily. The images and messages that are posted on the internet can be done anonymously and quickly spread over the social network to a very wide range viewers, and thus making it difficult and impossible to track the source where the information originated or even try to control the spread of such information.

Some of the causes of cyberbullying among the teenage is the motivation to revenge. Those teenage who have been cyberbullied by others always find a way to revenge to those who bullied them. Those who have undergone this are referred to as bully-victims. They always have a feeling that they too should cause the other person to suffer in the similar way they way they too had suffered. After revenging, they will fill justified in the actions that they have done since they too also underwent the same thing (Rogers, 2010). Through cyberbullying others, they will feel relieved and vindication for the act that they have done to the other person. For other reason, they may also target another person whom they find to be weaker or more vulnerable than they are and inflict the same pain on them.

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Some of the teens believes that the victims deserves such an act. Since bullying is done between people of the same social class or rather those on the same age bracket, or even at the same school, some children might try to cyber bull others when they are confronted in a different circumstance. For example, pupils might decide to cyberbully that particular pupil who is favored by the teacher or that one who performs in academics because of jealous about their success. In another case, a pupil might be cyberbullied because he or she disagreed with a particular student of their group. This will eventually result to cyberbullying.

Some other people who cyber bull others might be in need of attention by the other pupils. Some of them might think that what they are doing is just teasing and that it may not have a big deal to the victim (McQuade, 2009). By trying to teas them on the social media, the information might spread all over about the victim, quoting all the things that he was teased about thus turning to be a serious cyber bullying that the victim might not even know how to deal with such a case.

Some cases results because of lack of understanding among the teenage groups. In an instance, someone might decide to cyber bull the other simply because of there is an aspect of personal misunderstanding or even disagreement between the two individuals. Another reason is because of someone’s race or ethnicity, or rather because of sexual orientation (Jacobs, 2010). For this reason, they may cyber bull someone for no better reason.

This issue has increased among the society due to the influence of the media are many people would like to try out and see how it feels when they cyber bull others. Among this, it has grown and many youths are being influenced to perform the same thing in the society so as to cause pain to the others in the society. Individuals have also been influenced since there is wide spread of social media among the youths and thus everyone might want to try it out as a fun to others.

This cyberbullying and teenage is aligned to cultural influence in doing this. Those of a high culture are accessed to the technology more frequently than those who are from a low culture. Those from a high culture therefore try to cyberbully those from the low culture to show how superior and well knowledgeable they are about the use of social media, of which is done to cause pain to the other group from the low culture (Rogers, 2010). People in the society always devalue the act of cyberbullying since it is not a good act that an individual is supposed to engage in.

As per the statistics, the issue of cyberbullying is going to rise. This is because of an increase in the use of internet among the teenage. Majority of those teenage who are using the social media would like to use in such a way that will impact another person (Jacobs, 2010). The trends in the issue of cyberbullying are increasing among the youths as many became more and more attracted to social media. When they get to the social media, what they plan to do is to cause pain and suffering to the other simply by cyberbullying.

  • Jacobs, T. A. (2010). Teen cyberbullying investigated: Where do your rights end and consequences begin?. Minneapolis, MN: Free Spirit Pub.
  • McQuade, S. C., Colt, J. P., & Meyer, N. B. B. (2009). Cyber bullying: Protecting kids and adults from online bullies. Westport, Conn: Praeger Publishers.
  • Rogers, V. (2010). Cyberbullying: Activities to help children and teens to stay safe in a texting, twittering, social networking world. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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