
Data-Driven Schools Case Study Answers

901 words | 4 page(s)

Question One
The main problem in the case under study revolves around the management of school information. Before the implementation of the information systems, the standards of education in the United States were very low when compared to other countries. Before the acquisition and implementation of the information systems, management of information related to school children was very difficult as it was based on the manual systems. This was also characterized with a huge gap between children of various social classes because monitoring of individual children with difficulties was very difficult.

However, the acquisition of the information systems was also accompanied by various challenges. This is because it involved the use of significant financial resources. In Montgomery County, most of the parents are opposing the use of this technology. This is because they felt that this project are a lot allocated massive unnecessary expenditure. Other parents are not happy with the achievements that have been acquired by the information systems. One of the achievements is the significant reduction of the gap between students of various social classes. The parents of the rich and white students feel that the other students are given more attention than their children.

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Question 2
Business intelligence systems provide a good solution to this problem. These systems have been used to automate most of the processes in the educational systems. These systems have been applied in the information manipulation regarding most of the aspects related to the education. This approach has been used to measure the individual students and school performance. Some of the systems that have been adopted process the student information and assist in making crucial decisions. This is because the systems provide information about the specific areas that require intervention and the intervention that may be more appropriate for the situation.

Automation of the student data systems has is also one of the systems that has really assisted in improving the levels of education. This is because this system been applied strategically to identify the weak students. This has assisted the instructors to provide the appropriate interventions in good time. This has also assisted in bridging the gap between students of various socioeconomic status. These systems have also assisted the instructors to guide the students towards advancement in the areas where their performance is good. The information systems reduce the worries raised by the parents by increasing the performance of their children and receiving timely updates on the endeavors of their children. Some of the inputs that are required to implement these systems include computer hardware and software. Financial resources are required to assist in training sessions for the instructors. The output includes increased efficiency in the operations in the school.

Question Three
This solution must address various aspects related to the county’s educational system. Some of the concerns that must be addressed are related to management, organization and technology. In the management of the school resources and various social groups in the school, the administrators should be able to prove to the parents that the systems are viable. This is through showing that the outputs of the overall information systems are worth the investment. Acquisition and exchange of information among all the stake holders must be improved by these systems. The school and county administrators would obtain the strategic information from these systems that can assist in making crucial decisions within the school. Fast and efficient processing of information is one of the objectives of the systems.

All organizational and technological structures should be realigned to portray consistency with information systems. The systems used should also assist the students to achieve balance in the curriculum without bias to any projects. The technological systems should be able to provide the relevant information to each individual who may require it within the educational system. The management information systems should apply the latest technological advancements to provide timely solutions to the problems that face the educational system in the county.

Question Four
The solution has portrayed great positive change in the schools. This is because it has assisted in the management of information related to various aspects of the educational system. One of the area that has achieved greatly through the use of these systems is the management of data and information related to children acidic matters. This is because the systems have aided automated control of the students’ performance. The systems have also automated the decision making process by assisting in the automatic determination of the areas that need action and intervention.

This solution has also assisted in providing automated coordination between the parents, students and school administers. This is through provision of the most relevant information to each of these people in good time for necessary interventions. The solution has assisted in alleviating the socioeconomic gap among the students. This solution has assisted in enhancing teacher competence in the schools.

Question Five
All district schools should adopt the use of the data-driven approach to education. This is because this will assist in improving the quality of education within the district. This will assist the schools to achieve academic and technological competency. This is because the data-driven approach can be used to enhance the management of the key operations and provide the trends and thus aiding identification of the areas of improvement. This approach is also important towards assisting the students to develop a multidimensional approach in education. This is through promoting creativity and innovation.

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