
Demonstrative Speech Outline: Senegalese Fish Dish

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I. Introduction – One of the joys of cooking is trying out new recipes from all over the world. Dishes from all over the world serve to give an insight into new cultures and open individuals up to new experiences. The Republic of Senegal is one such culture worth exploring, an exploration that we will start today through the creation of a traditional Senegalese fish dish.

II. Body
A. Ingredients – As with any recipe it is always easiest to gather all ingredients in a centralized location prior to starting to cook. For this particular dish, you will heed fish, peppers, a garlic clove, onions, parsley, tomato concentrate, rice, vegetables, chicken stock, peanut oil, salt, and pepper. As you can see, we have those ingredients here now.
B. Prep Time – This particular recipe is quite quick to prepare, taking about 20 minutes, though the cook time falls at approximately one hour.
C. Demonstrative Walkthrough of Recipe
a. To start, mix the parsley, pepper, one onion, and the garlic well.
b. Cut slits into the eight pieces of fish and stuff the mixture deep into the fish.
c. The pieces of fish should be browned in a pan, in oil. Place them to the side once this process is complete.
d. Next, the peppers and remaining sliced onions should be sautéed in oil in a second pan, with the tomato paste and water gradually added in.
e. The vegetables should be cut into bite sized chunks and added in to the pepper, onion, tomato paste, and water mixture. Once this is complete, the dish should be covered and allowed to simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
f. After the thirty minutes are up, the fish should be added in on top of the vegetables and cooked for an additional ten minutes.
g. The fish and vegetables should be drained, saving the sauce. The fish and vegetables should remain in a little of the sauce with the rest of the sauce set aside.
h. Take the remainder of the sauce and use this to cook the rice for 20 minutes.
i. Once the rice is finished, place on the plate and add the fish and vegetable mixture; this dish should be served hot.

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III. Conclusion
A. Wrap up – As you can see, the dish has a very unique odor to it, one which will vary depending on the type of fish used and the type of vegetable selected. It makes an aesthetically pleasing dish that is sure to be appreciated by all who enjoy the taste of seafood.
B. One of the most enjoyable ways to learn about a new culture can be through the sampling of various dishes, and if you like this particular style, it is highly recommended you check out others from this unique West African nation.

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