
Design and Building of Temple of Heaven

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The monument that is classified as UNESCO protected has three layouts that were constructed based on stringent philosophical requirements. The three are the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, The Imperial Vault of Heaven and The Circular Mound Altar. These different sectors in the monument were used to fulfill a specific requirement that was important during the reign of these leaders and traditional/cultural requirements.

Function of the Temple of Heaven
Cultural and traditional characteristics of Ancient Chinese were that an Emperor of China acted as a link between the people and the heavenly authority. Sacrificing and showing respect were important components and the structure was constructed to fulfill these ceremonial requirements. The Emperor would pray for good harvests, and the Emperor visited the temple twice in a year.

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Time when The Temple of Heave was Constructed
The construction of the temple started in 1406 and was completed in 1420 during the period of Yongle Emperor. The complex was expanded during Jiajing Emperor Reign in the 16th century and was named the Temple of Heaven. In 18th Century, Qianlong Emperor renovated the building and was the last largest building that was constructed during the period. Larger buildings were not constructed because of a decrease in budget allocations.

Reasons why the Temple of Heaven is Famous
The historical nature of the building and the size makes it famous. The building are among the oldest in China and also the purpose of the building made an important impact on the community and society. The temple was used as a prayer and an area where sacrifices were offered. Therefore, it is a cultural component, and it is possible to understand historical and traditional behaviors of people during the time when it was used as venue for sacrifices.

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