
Discrimination Laws: Advantages and Disadvantages for Both Employees and Business

364 words | 2 page(s)

In 2014 Abercrombie & Fitch had to cover more than $25,000 for violation of the employment legislation pertaining to the provision of equal opportunities for all males and females regardless their race and religion. According to the merits of the case, one female employee of the company was denied in provision of working opportunity for her due to the fact that she was wearing Muslim headscarf during interview. This case was filed for consideration to the Supreme Court of the United States that decided that the company was in breach of the legislation with discrimination against Samanth Elauf (Olson , 2015). While the managers of the company attempted to explain that their denial was justified by the by-laws of the organization depending on which wearing “caps” was prohibited, the justices took the other reasoning. In particular, they noted that the management of the organization is not allowed to take any employment decision with reference to the religious practice of the applicant or employee (Geller, 2015).

Ruling of the Supreme Court in favour of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission confirmed the importance of following of the ethical principles and rules by business units. This case revealed that the improvement of the protection over the rights of the workers is still required in order to achieve better treatment in the workplace. In fact, American company showed its disregard to the observation of the ethical principles towards its applicants. According to the ethical theory, every business unit should follow human approach with provision of equal opportunities for its workers with identification of the strengths of the employees (Fieser, 2015). At the same time, the company stated that it was no in breach of any provision of the U.S. Constitution as the court did not prove that the company discriminated specifically against the applicant. However, the conduct of the company still draws attention and raises questions as to its respect towards employees.

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  • Fieser, J. (2015). Introduction to business ethics [Electronic version]. Retrieved from https://content.ashford.edu/
  • Geller, P. (2015, June 2). Why would a devout Muslim want to work at Abercrombie and Fitch? Retrieved from http://www.breitbart.com
  • Olson, W. (2015, June 1). EEOC v. Abercrombie: Headscarfs and judicial modesty. Retrieved from http://www.cato.org

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