
Dissertation On Stem Cell Research

1481 words | 5 page(s)

In the past two decades, scientists have intensified their stem cell research as they look for a better understanding of the human body. As it turns out, the human body is so complex that it requires examining small components to get a clear picture of the operation of specific groups of cells, organs, or tissues. At the same time, effective stem cell research plays a crucial role in understanding how diseases occur, paying more attention to the affected organs and how the body responds to infections and foreign substances. A highly effective stem cell research guides nurses and doctors in finding meaningful solutions to developing health conditions. In this research paper, I will use surveys and interviews to examine the effectiveness of stem cell research in understanding the human body and the major causes of diseases.


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This research’s main goal is to examine stem cell research’s effectiveness in understanding how the human body operates. For the most part, understanding how the human body operates will play a crucial role in examining how diseases develop and their impacts and implications on the human body. At the same time, the study is meant for college students aged 18-27 and their instructors. College students have been selected for this study because they are likely to be interested in stem cell research. Also, college students have been selected because they have stable health, meaning that they will form good study subjects. On the other hand, instructors have been selected because they are also interested in stem cell research. Also, instructors will provide diverse perspectives regarding the impact of stem cell research on understanding the human body.

Participant Selection

Selecting the right participants will play a crucial role in improving the study research and outcomes. In this case, the participants will be selected using simple random sampling. According to Yadav et al. (2015), simple random sampling is a method of selecting participants whereby all participants are given equal chances to be included in the study. Specifically, participants are assigned specific codes, randomly selected, meaning that all participants will be given equal opportunities to be selected to be involved in the study (Yadav et al., 2015). The advantage of using simple random sampling is that it is simple. Also, simple random sampling reduces bias by ensuring that participants are given equal opportunity to be included in the study (Yadav et al., 2015). Nonetheless, simple random sampling is not detailed enough, meaning that there are still issues relating to the obtained results’ accuracy and reliability.


There are two participant groups in this study. The first group is comprised of students aged 18-27. The students have been selected because they will be happy to be involved in stem cell research. A total of 10 students will be selected using simple random sampling. The second group will be made up of instructors. Notably, instructors will be involved in the study to provide new perspectives on stem cell research. As it turns out, most instructors have gleaned increased wisdom, thereby developing multiple perspectives and experiences. Also, instructors will be excited to be involved in stem cell research to provide new ideas and perspectives. A total of 10 instructors will be selected, still using simple random sampling.

Data Collection

Data collection will be the most important yet the most complex part of the research process. Since this research will involve two groups, there will be two data collection approaches. The first approach will be questionnaires, which will involve a series of ten questions designed to collect participants’ views and ideas (Skender et al., 2016). The questionnaire will be prepared in a digital form and delivered to the participants’ mailboxes. The participants will then be allowed up to two weeks to carefully go through the questions, respond to the questions, and resubmit the form to the sender. Notably, questionnaires have been selected for this study because they can easily develop and collect data from diverse participant groups. However, the main disadvantages of using questionnaires include difficulties in transmitting emotions and feelings and that the participants are highly likely to be dishonest when answering the questions. A copy of the questionnaire has been included in the appendix section.

Information from the instructors will be collected using one-on-one interviews. As Guest et al. (2017) elucidate, one-on-one interviews are highly effective methods of collecting data because they enable the researcher to interact with the patients and monitor their emotions. Further, one-on-one interviews are preferred because they are easy to prepare and execute. When implementing the interviews, the researcher will select a specific location and invite the interviewees. Then, the researcher will develop fourteen questions that will be used to guide the research process. Each participant’s responses will be recorded and used to guide the research process. Later, individual participants’ responses will be compared to help generate meaningful information to confirm or disconfirm the research question. A list of the interview questions has been included in the appendix section.

Data Analysis

Data from the questionnaires will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. Specifically, the data will be analyzed using SPSS, a comprehensive data analysis tool developed by IBM Company. Before the data can be analyzed, it will be organized and entered into an excel spreadsheet. Then, it will be uploaded into SPSS for analysis. Then, the researcher will run the correlation and regression analyses to generate meaning from the data. Here, the main goal will be to compare the data’s specific attributes, focusing more on comparing specific variables relating to stem cell research. The variables will also be manipulated to generate meaningful information that will be used to interpret the research question.

On the other hand, data from one-on-one interviews will be evaluated using thematic analysis. Specifically, the responses will be organized and uploaded to NviVo software for analysis of the main themes. The main themes will be highlighted based on their importance to the study subject. Also, the themes will be compared to examine their contribution and meaning to stem cell research. Most fundamentally, the NviVo software will play a crucial role in identifying each theme’s contribution to stem cell research. Moreover, the NviVo software will be used to identify specific information tying stem-cell research and the human body’s operation, paying more attention to the impacts of illnesses and foreign materials on the human body.


A comprehensive analysis of questionnaire results indicates a positive relationship between improved stem-cell research and understanding of the human body. More accurately, improved stem-cell research provides more ideas and explanations useful in understanding how cells in the body operate. Additionally, the questionnaire’s findings indicate that there is a positive relationship between improved stem-cell research and understanding of the impact of illnesses on the human body. In other words, increased stem-cell research increases knowledge of illnesses and their influence on the human body. However, the research does not find meaningful information to tie stem-cell research to desired health outcomes. Specifically, the research does not find reliable information that would indicate that stem-cell research is used to achieve the desired health outcomes.

The findings from the interviews and thematic analysis indicate that the most common theme is morality. Specifically, the morality theme is included in all participants’ responses. Another important theme emphasized by the respondents is growth, indicating a significant increase in stem-cell activities and research. In addition to growth in stem cell research, the findings point to increasing interest in stem-cell research from theorists, nurses, physicians, and healthcare administrators.


The questionnaire’s findings indicate that improved stem-cell research and understanding of the human body are positively correlated. Here, the positive correlation supports the research hypothesis that stem-cell research is highly effective in understanding how the human body operates. In this case, investing more resources in stem-cell research is highly warranted as it provides more room for understanding how the human body operates. At the same time, the finding explains that improved stem-cell research helps understand the major causes of illnesses and how they impact the human body. Understanding how illnesses affect the human body provides more room for generating more appropriate health solutions and medications. Also, the research provides new insights and ideas for addressing major health concerns.

Furthermore, the thematic analysis findings indicate that morality is a major issue of concern when it comes to the implementation of stem-cell research. There are too many vague concepts attached to stem-cell research for most people, reducing the legitimacy and applicability of the concepts. Also, people are concerned that stem-cell research comes in to replace natural processes, leading to severe problems in the near future. Most significantly, the theme of growth means that people are gradually changing their perspective regarding stem cell research. Specifically, people are beginning to understand stem-cell research’s importance and its potential benefits in the next decade or two. Most importantly. The growth of stem-cell research means that individuals, private entities, and governments contribute more resources, including ideas, in support of stem cell research.

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