
Divorce and Effects on Children

466 words | 2 page(s)

Many scholars have researched and published findings that show the ugly affects that divorce has on society. They have explored some of the reasons that it increased throughout history. Based on statistics and surveys scholars have made an effort to find predictors of divorce as an approach towards prevention. The outcome of any research effort should be to find ways to help children so that they can heal as they get older and avoid bringing bitterness into their adult relationships. If not, society will continue to demonstrate what scholars have already found which is that divorce breeds more divorce. (Quinn, 2012)

Divorce is a very difficult situation for families to contend with. It is particularly hurtful for children. In order to address the impact that divorce has on society as a whole, it is necessary to consider the many reasons for the decline in marriage. Hopefully, analyzing these reasons can lead to the implementation of measures to prevent divorce rates from getting even higher. In addition, it might become possible to alleviate the terribly strain that divorce imposes on families and children in particular.

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The hypothesis for this research is that increase in divorce has negative impact on individuals and particularly children. The hypothesis developed out of the discovery that there are long-term issues that children carry into adulthood. This means that divorce gives them a poor view of what companionship and commitment is all about and they don’t see themselves getting married or staying married. Having a population where vast numbers of people grew up thinking this way proves that divorce “rising divorce rates is no help to any society” (Quinn, 2012). According to Arkowitz & Lillienfiled, millions of children in the America see and get immersed in the splitting of their parent’s marriage. Children sometimes feel as if they have to choose a side, either their mother or father to favor. This is an awful burden to place on a child, even if the parent’s don’t realize it. Inevitably there is psychological damage and they carry it into adulthood.

The implications on society are obvious. Should the hypothesis be confirmed, it means that society will continue to witness growing numbers of divorce rates along with the social and financial consequences to follow. The literature that is born from future research needs to focus on methods and practices for healing the hearts of children who are subject to divorce. Most importantly, parents should be educated about ways to help their children and somehow get them to see that a healthy, happy marriage is still achievable.

  • Arkowitz, H., & Lillenfeld, S. (2013). Is Divorce Bad for Children? Scientific American. 3-17.
  • Quinn, D. (2012, March 30). Rising Divorce Rates No Help to Any Society. Retrieved from The Independent: http://www.independent.ie/opinion/analysis/david-quinn-rising-divorce-r

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