
Drug Use, Cases and Effects

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Teenagers today have more freedom than ever. With freedom comes choice. Choosing not to take drugs might be the most important choice a teenager today can make. So, why does anyone choose to use drugs? Often drug use is a slippery slope. Very few people start taking a “hard” drug such as heroin for their first drug. The term “gateway drug” is used to describe drugs such as marijuana that are not considered as risky by society but can still be dangerous if misused. Marijuana is illegal and unregulated by the government and so a user does not know what it contains. Even, “harder” drugs like heroin or cocaine are not always as pure as a user might think it is. Some of these drugs can be mixed with dangerous substances that can make them even more toxic and even more addictive than they already are.

This leads to more and more drug use. Since many drugs make users feel popular, relaxed, “high” energized, etc, the people who abuse them can become addicted to the way the drug makes them feel even without their brain being dependent on the drug. Those drugs that can make a user chemically addicted are especially dangerous. Not only do they cause cravings, but it requires more and more of the drug to get the same feeling the user got from their first time use. Most of the time once people are addicted they do not want to continue using drugs but they are too afraid or do not have the willpower to quit. Quitting can also be painful and include horrible withdrawal symptoms like nausea, intense headaches, body aches, sweating or hallucinations if the person has been a user for a long time.

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There is no denying that drugs can have long term physical and mental consequences. The news is full of cautionary stories detailing how drug users have suffered because of their addictions. Not only do drugs affect the people that use them but some forms of drug abuse can affect family, friends and even strangers that interact with a person who abuses drugs. People may steal money from family to support their habit. They may continue to use drugs until their teeth decay or they loose lots of weight. They may develop lung, heart or other health problems. Any drug, when abused can cause serious health concerns. Even drugs that are not considered as dangerous can become so important to the user that they stop keeping up with responsibilities such as schoolwork. Any drug should be used with caution. Even legal drugs such as alcohol can cause life threatening problems such as liver and kidney issues, mood problems like depression or anger and drunk driving accidents.

The best way to avoid becoming addicted to drugs is to avoid drugs altogether. A person who has lots of positive things going on in their life is less likely to become a drug addict. Doing well in school or focusing on creating artwork can give a person something to live for besides drugs. It can be difficult for a young person to say no when friends are pressuring them to use drugs but, it is important to think of the long term consequences of drug use. If a friend is using drugs it may be best to find another friend who does not use drugs and will support healthier choices. True friends will not want anyone they care about to go through a drug addiction. There are plenty of other hobbies people can participate in besides using drugs. Playing a sport, for example, can also make a person feel happy, healthy and that they have something in common with other people the same age.

If a person is struggling to avoid using drugs they should meet a person, or a family member of a person who abuses drugs. That person will probably look unhappy, tired, worn, thin or overall unhealthy. No one wants to look in the mirror and see a skeleton staring back. Choosing to stay healthy and sober is one of the best ways to take a step toward a successful future.

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