
Elaboration on Population Pyramid

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A population pyramid is a graphical representation of the breakdown of an either country’s or region’s population by gender and age in at a given time (Tofan, Niţă, & Păcurar, 2016). Generally, a population pyramid consists of two histograms; men on the left and women on the left. The shape of population pyramid scheme varies from one population to another depending on the population structure. Conventionally, the age interval is the response variable, therefore, it is shown on the vertical axis while the numbers (percentage population of each age bracket) is shown on the horizontal axis. The number of population size is dependent on mortality, fertility, and migration patterns of a population. Population pyramids are very important in demographic studies of a country or region.

Population pyramids play an important role in determining the number of economic dependants supported in a population. The total population of persons below 15 years and the total population of persons aged above 65 years are referred to as dependants. However, in developing countries, youths start working at an age of 21 years, therefore, increasing the dependants’ bracket from 15 to 21 years.

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Population pyramids help in planning future of a country. They can be used to predict the changes in age structure of a population by observing the increasing or decreasing age bracket trends. For instance, population pyramid of United Kingdom curves upwards and an indication that the ageing population is high therefore Britain government can use the information to tackle ageing population. Sometimes, population pyramids may attract the interest of social researchers in determining the effect of wars, feminine, fertility rates, and mortality rates on the population structure. For example, social researchers were very much interested in the population structure of United Kingdom after the Second World War. Actually, the social researchers used population pyramids to determine the effect of wars on the male gender.

Interpretation of Russian Population Pyramid
The Russian population pyramid has a narrow base as compared to the above rows. Narrow population pyramid base indicates that Russia has a low birth rate. The number of population in the 0-14 year bracket is low therefore the rate of dependence is less for young dependants. However, the number of persons aged 65 years and above is high therefore the dependency level for the ageing population is high. The shape of the population pyramid is steep at the top (65 years and above) indicating low death rates and high life expectancy levels. Russian population is concentrated between 25 and 40 years, therefore, Russia has a youthful population. Generally, Russian could face the problem of ageing population in near future due to low birth rates and high death rates. In addition, the unemployment crisis might also hit Russia due to the high youthful population.

A comparison of Ugandan and Russian Population Pyramid
The Ugandan population pyramid has a broad base unlike Russian population; therefore, Uganda population has a higher birth rate than Russia. In Russia, the number of population in the 0-14 year bracket is low therefore the rate of dependence is less for young dependants. On contrary, Ugandan population the number of persons aged 0-14 years is high therefore the rate of youthful dependence is high. In Russia, the population of people aged 65 years and above is high therefore the dependency level for the ageing population is high. On the other hand, the dependency level for the ageing population is not very high in Uganda as in Russia.
The shape of the population pyramid is steep at the top (65 years+) indicating low death rates and high life expectancy levels as opposed to Uganda which has high birth rates and low life expectancy. The Russian and Ugandan population is concentrated between 25 and 40 years, therefore, both countries have a youthful population. Generally, Russian and Uganda could face the problem of ageing population in near future due to low birth rates and high death rates. In addition, the unemployment crisis might also hit both countries due to the high youthful population.

  • Getis, Arthur, Mark Bjelland & Victoria Getis . (2018). Introduction to Geography (15th). McGraw Hill. [ISBN-978-1-259-57000-1]
  • Russian Federation (2017). Russian population Pyramid. https://www.populationpyramid.net/
  • Tofan, G., Niţă, A., & Păcurar, B. (2016). The gender and age structure of the population of Covasna County, at the 2011 census. Annals Of The University Of Oradea, Geography Series / Analele Universitatii Din Oradea, Seria Geografie, 26(2), 243-249.
  • United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision, Volume I: Comprehensive Tables. ST/ESA/SER.A/379.

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