
Emergency Room Trauma Nursing

1182 words | 4 page(s)

As an emergency room nurse, there are a plethora of issues related to health care which can affect the overall role that is played on a daily basis. As seen on the Healthy People 2020 website, two particular problems that are typically prevalent among the specified work area include mental health/mental health disorders as well as public health infrastructure. Each concept may be altered and impacted based on the strategies and protocols that are used. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the types of prevention intervention mechanisms that are used as an emergency nurse with regard to the issues above as well as a discussion of the state/federal government. Finally, the regulation of public health laws will be applied as well.

The first issue known as mental health/mental health disorders consists of occurrences that may change the mood, thinking or behavior of an individual. In most instances, there is a heavy association with impaired functioning and distress (HealthyPeople.Gov). Within the field of emergency nursing, providers impact daily mechanisms by allowing for an early assessment of patients so that symptoms can be identified in a proper manner. Moreover, a major strategy includes the choice of communication techniques based on the condition that is seen. As a whole, nurses who work in the emergency room should facilitate effective treatment so that there is a reduction in the proportion of people who experience major depressive episodes. It may also be necessary to increase primary care facilities that provide treatment on site so that patients have a wide range of options (Plant, 2013).

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The second issue known as public health infrastructure consists of mechanisms that can improve the health of individuals through the creation of positive environments along with the promotion of healthy behaviors and development (HealthyPeople.Gov). For an emergency room nurse, prevention intervention and strategies may be impacted as the professionals monitor the health status of patients in order to solve and identify possible problems within the community. They also play a role in investigating and diagnosing potential health hazards that can wreak havoc on a long-term basis. There may also be tendencies for the providers to educate and inform patients, family members and other pertinent people about health problems so that safety can be ensured as time progresses.

Finally, nurses can evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies so that new research can be developed based on innovative insights for possible solutions to the problems that exist. It should be known that the public health infrastructure is an important facet within the industry because there is a strong capability to assess and respond to the needs of people while developing applicable policies and plans (Kovner & Knickman, 2011).

Based on the two issues that are discussed, it is necessary to analyze the medical model versus the population health model. With regard to the medical model, there is a definitive focus on the individual or patient that is being cared for. Therefore, there is a strong emphasis on specific treatment, diagnoses and basic care. It should also be known that professionals such as emergency room nurses play a role in allowing for strong ethics that are combined with personal service so that quality care is granted towards the highest standards (Kovner & Knickman, 2011). When looking at the population health model, there is more of a definitive focus on a certain population instead of an individual. Specific treatment plans are not needed, since the model emphasizes prevention and the promotion of health for the entirety of a community. The paradigm as whole is aimed at an array of interventions that support the lifestyle of people as well as their behavior as pertaining to their well-being (Kovner & Knickman, 2011).

Within each model, to promote positive aspects of health, there is a need for professionals, leaders and community members to work in a collaborative manner in order to fulfill the mission of strong public health occurrences. While there are a variety of descriptive factors that are available for each model, the broad scope still remains the same as they are utilized within the health care industry (Kovner & Knickman, 2011).

Since public health is a major implication within the world, the state and federal governments have established their own laws for the people of the United States. Each establishment serves to protect the health of individuals by allowing for boundaries that may be deemed as categorical. For example, the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration is responsible for the safety of certain food products so that the people of the country are safe when they ingest specific substances. While this is the case, there are also state laws based on health insurance implications which can vary based on the ruling of the location (Wilbanks, 2014).
When discussing the parameters of health insurance and public health, it is essential to take the Affordable Care Act into consideration. For example, with the establishment of the new law, people are now able to have access to free preventative services through the decrease of deductibles and out-of-pocket costs. Examples of these services may include vision screenings, hearing screenings, contraception, HIV screening/prevention, etc.
For emergency room nurses, the Affordable Care Act may also facilitate patient services that are more involved in the ambulatory unit. For example, outpatient care may increase steadily since patients have the ability to walk into an organization, get treated and then leave in an ample period of time. It has been found that the new law covers an abundance of outpatient services which is beneficial for both patients and nurses within the particular field. The new act will also impact public health by improving on the services that are granted towards women. Within the last twenty years, there have been unfortunate circumstances where many women were not able to receive proper care due to limited information or simply because of a lack of health insurance. The Affordable Care Act includes a plethora of free methodologies, especially for women so that preventative measures can be taken. Examples include contraceptive education, support for breastfeeding, diabetes screening, osteoporosis screening, colonoscopies and mammograms (Wilbanks, 2014). With the focus on increased strategies and adequate services for individuals throughout the country, there is an allowance to prevent detrimental health conditions before they begin to arise. Moreover, the focus on wellness continues to be a widespread occurrence which can shape the future for the United States. Aside from preventative services, there is also an abundance of educational seminars and an expansion of coverage which is beneficial as well. With an increase in these sessions, there is a high susceptibility that the well-being of the population may increase at a progressive rate (Wilbanks, 2014).
Overall, the concept of public health is important to be made aware of, especially for the future. Specifically, emergency room nurses play a role in providing treatment mechanisms and quality care as needed to assist with the issues of mental disorders as well as the basic infrastructure of the field. Moreover, by understanding the different health models that exist, including the Affordable Care Act, there is an allowance for individuals to thrive as time continues.

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