
Emotional and Spiritual Care Team

363 words | 2 page(s)

The emotional and spiritual care team should possess five qualities of emotional competency. The first quality is self-awareness, which involves a psychological state of being conscious about different aspects of the individual self and focusing one’s attention on the self (Goleman et al., 2016). The second quality of emotional competence is self-regulation, in which the individual’s self can exert control over itself through deliberate efforts to alter its responses and states including emotions, impulses, thoughts, and behavior.

Thirdly, the team should also possess the emotional competence quality of motivation, which is the action and desire towards the initiation, guidance, achievement, and maintenance of goal-directed behavior by showing initiative, commitment, optimism, and achievement drive. Fourthly, the team should also demonstrate empathy, which is the experience of appreciating other people’s views and conditions from the latter’s perspective through active listening, diversity, and service orientation (Goleman et al., 2016). Finally, the team should also possess social skills to facilitate communication and interaction in different social contexts.

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Spiritual health and maturity play a significant role as a fundamental aspect of the team’s overall wellbeing and health, specifically by integrating and permeating all the other dimensions of the team. Spiritual health and maturity should be reflected in the relationship quality in the personal domain where the individual team members relate with their individual self, as well as the communal domain where the team members pursue in-depth relationships with each other (Whitney, 2014).

Further, spiritual health and maturity should also be reflected in the environmental domain where the team members can connect with the surroundings, as well as the transcendental domain where the team members should relate to an entity beyond their human level. Some of the warning signs that a team member may require attention are when they fail to take on board good counsel from the rest of the team, when they rebel against the precepts of team rules and guidelines, and subsequently cause strife within the team through provocations (Whitney, 2014).

  • Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. E., & McKee, A. (2013). Primal leadership: Unleashing the power of emotional intelligence. Boston: Harvard Business Press
  • Whitney, D. (Whitney, 2014). Ten questions to diagnose your spiritual health. Carol Stream: Tyndale House

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