
Employee Blogging

310 words | 2 page(s)

Internal blogs can be an efficient way for information to be passed throughout the company. These are often written by CEOs alone or in conjunction is relevant department heads. Utilizing a blog platform internally can help to give information in the modern era the same way that paper newsletters used to be used. The internal blog can also create a system of feedback for employes who have ideas about the information that is being shared with them .

Determining if employees should be fired what they write on blogs depends on a variety of factors. If there was already an employee blog policy in place or any kind of confidentiality clause in place then the employee can clearly be terminated for their actions. If that is not the case, there might not be legal grounds to fire the employee. The company should protect itself by putting in place a no blogging policy and confidentially clauses to the employee code of conduct policy .

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Wikis can be very useful but their ease of use and collaborate nature mean that the information that is contained in a wiki might not be accurate. Wikis can only be trusted when there are legitimate references included in the wiki. Without resources, there is no way to know if the information is correct. The collaboration of a wiki does allow for multiple experts to work together and produce a highly informative document. This is true for both public and private internal wikis for employees .

  • Chacos, B. (2012, September 11). Why your business needs an internal blog. Retrieved from PC World: http://www.pcworld.com
  • Cisco. (2008, March 24). Lessons Learned….Cisco Updates Policy on Employee Blogging. Retrieved from Cisco: http://blogs.cisco.com/news/lessons_learnedcisco_updates_policy_on_employee_blogging
  • Daniels, L., & Johnson, A. (2007, March 29). The Word on Wikipedia: Trust but Verify. Retrieved from NBC News: http://www.nbcnews.com

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