
Workplace Essay Examples

Drug testing in workplaces has become a topic of debate among employers, employees and workplace environment researchers. The question of the necessity and the relevance of drug testing is a complex one and needs to be approached from various angles of argumentation. First of all, there are industries where substance...

711 words | 3 page(s)

PPE minimizes workers risks and protects one’s safety and health in the different working environment. Security enhancement is done by the use of protective equipment such as hard hat, gloves, live belts, eye protection, safety footwear, and safety harnesses. However, class ladder body harnesses are used in restrict fall systems...

757 words | 3 page(s)

When it comes to improving morale and building a better environment in a team setting like a fire department, there are a number of concerns that one must take into account. Various theories provide the backing needed to develop a multi-step approach that will allow for the resolution of this...

928 words | 4 page(s)

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The examples in the transcript demonstrate that Kathy makes internal attributions regarding both positive and negative aspects of her job performance, which indicates that she has the internal locus of control. For example, Kathy states that the shipping error mentioned by the boos that happened a few months ago is...

589 words | 2 page(s)

Morality is a conceptual system used to determine what is right and what is wrong. However, what is right and wrong is not a black and white dichotomy. Rather, virtues and vices rest upon an opposing spectrum that consists of many shades of grey in between. Escaping abstract theories of...

788 words | 3 page(s)

Office and business practices differ from country to country. Some countries practice very strict and formal culture while others have a more laissez faire approach. In the United Arab Emirates for example, office culture is different from what is practiced in the United States. The United Arab Emirates was created...

924 words | 4 page(s)

The definition of human performance can vary, depending on who is stating the definition. One definition that has been stated is the following: “performing a task in accordance with agreed upon standards, completeness, and efficiency” (Performance, 2013). Carliner gives a similar definition by describing human performance as an “accomplishment of...

962 words | 4 page(s)

As the human resource manager at Quality Medicare Clinic, there are various organizational functionalities that I would address to ensure that there is continued sustainability at the clinic as four more healthcare personnel are on the brink of joining that current workforce. More specifically, I would primarily revisit my human...

1018 words | 4 page(s)

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the human resource practices of Toys ‘R Us, a toy store chain which operates on a national level. In addition, I will also be analyzing alternative human resource activities which I believe would greatly improve the public relations of the company. I...

931 words | 4 page(s)

When it comes to being a success there are many different factors which must come together within an organization. An organizations ability to capitalize on their strengths while minimizing the potential weaknesses is essential. While there are many different types of resources available within an organization, such as their infrastructure...

905 words | 4 page(s)

There is a shortage of computers for use by employees in the offices, and some employees are forced to share personal computers to perform tasks. Therefore, there is need to purchase new computers for use in the office, in order to ensure that each employee has a computer so they...

556 words | 2 page(s)

The forum “‘Relaaax, I Remember the Recession in the Early 1980s…..’: Organizational Storytelling as a Crisis Management Tool” written by David M. Kopp, Irena Nikolovska, Katie P. Desiderio and Jeffrey T. Guterman declare that organization storytelling can be a vital part to reducing stress and creating positive changes among organizational...

570 words | 2 page(s)

Trouble is brewing at Boone AFB were the new chief of staff (Marylyn James) is facing a severe crisis. At the center of contention are two, also new, members of team whose legitimacy at the institution is under question. An expansion of the facility meant an increased capacity to hold...

601 words | 3 page(s)

Controversial and deeply partisan, the right to work has been a growing trend in the United States and like most policies, has its pros and cons. Concisely, right to work laws disallow agreements between an employer and labor unions to dictate that employees must pay for membership to the union...

1105 words | 4 page(s)

OSHA is the administration agency with the task of ensuring the safety and proper health of workers who encounter hazardous substances in the course of their functions. In the attempts to ensure the security of the workers, the agency has in place some sets of rules and regulations which should...

662 words | 3 page(s)

There is more than one way to skin a cat, or so the old saying goes. While there are many problems in the world today, there are just as many approaches that can help to fix those problems. The beauty and effect of group-based problem solving can be seen in...

634 words | 3 page(s)

This essay will cover self-control theory which is also referred to as the general theory of crime. It indicates that if self-control is not taught through parenting by childhood, it will result in impulsive and criminal conduct and in the case of the Fort Hood shooting which took place in...

897 words | 3 page(s)

INTRODUCTION The literature review begins with an overview of the theories that provide the framework and foundation for innovation and change in organizations. Perspectives on developmental processes and disciples are introduced. These theories also provide a possible explanation for change in the organization. A review of generative mechanisms for change...

1270 words | 5 page(s)

Marketing is the process of creating and delivering of a standard of living which involves finding out what the customers want and creating and developing a product that will satisfy their needs, determining the best price, promotion and distribution. The risks that calibrated might face as a result of increasing...

657 words | 3 page(s)

Introduction Compensation strategies require an effective understanding of the challenges of a position and how these issues translate into reasonable and appropriate salary opportunities. There must be a clear linkage between different components of the compensation strategy in order to accomplish the desired objectives and to recruit the most qualified...

906 words | 4 page(s)

Crespi (n.p) notes that gender socialization is a process where individuals slowly learn and evaluate the expectations, ideals and attitudes of a particular sex. Through gender socialization, it is possible to identify the reasons why males behave differently from the females. Ideally, the differences in the social roles that individuals...

821 words | 3 page(s)

Amazon is known for three things: two-day shipping, billion-dollar profits, and mistreating workers. Amazon employees are frequently discouraged from taking bathroom breaks and otherwise encouraged—some would say, coerced—to be as efficient and to work as quickly as possible. Since 2016, over 100 federal investigations have been launched against the company...

927 words | 4 page(s)

Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) is one of the most important mathematical and statistical tools that I have learned in the class. MS Excel is a spreadsheet tool which allows its users to manipulate, graph and store a data set. Although there are a rage of many other applications and tools...

779 words | 3 page(s)

Since the 1970s, there has been a decline in unionization in the United States that has caused approximately 1/5 to 1/3 of the rise in the inequality of the nation (Continuing Assault on Unions, 2012.) For the last few years in particular, many state governments have enacted legislation to limit...

1375 words | 5 page(s)

Introduction The issue that will be considered is nepotism in the workplace. This is an unfair work practice in which the relatives and friends of the boss or manager are considered for employment or promotion opportunities even in instances when they may not have qualified for the promotions or employment....

607 words | 3 page(s)

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