
Employee Management Relationship

966 words | 4 page(s)

The purpose of this research study is to investigate the effects of employee relationships with their managers on the quality of work output. The study proceeds based on three hypotheses which are that workers with quality relationships with their managers are more likely to execute their tasks, execute their tasks more accurately, and execute their tasks more thoroughly. On the other hand, employees with low-quality relationships with their managers are less likely to execute their tasks, execute their tasks less accurately, and execute their tasks less thoroughly.

The study will adopt a quantitative research approach, which emphasizes the objective gathering and measurement of data as well as the numerical, mathematical, or statistical analysis of data. In this case, numerical data collected from the participants will be generalized across the entire group of employees in order to determine the effect of employee-manager relationships on work output quality. In this approach, an attempt will be made to identify and isolate variables in the study as well as to control the data collection environment in order to avoid the effect of extraneous variables on the study outcomes. This approach is a good fit for this study because it will enhance results generalization by allowing for the sampling of a larger group of participants. In addition, the quantitative approach will enable greater accuracy and objectivity of results since it is designed to produce data summaries in support of generalizations about employee-manager relationships and the impact of these relationships on work output. Finally, using the quantitative approach will ensure that researcher bias on the impact of employee-manager relationships on work output do not affect the study outcomes.

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The goal in conducting this study will be to determine the relationship between employee-managerial relationships, which is the independent variable, and the work output in terms of completing tasks, accuracy of tasks, and thoroughness of tasks as the dependent variables. The research design selected for this study is descriptive design, which strives to establish relationships or associations between eh variables, rather than causality as is the case with experimental studies. Generally, the descriptive design is a good fit for this study because it is perfect for obtaining information about the present status of employee-manager relationships in the workplace. In addition, this design will also help describe what exists in relation to the identified conditions or variables. Moreover, this approach will enable the researcher to observe the participants in a completely unchanged or natural environment to avoid adverse influence on the behavior of the subjects which may impact the accuracy of the data. The descriptive design I also a good fit because it will yield rich data about the impact of employee-manager relationships on the dependent variables, thus allowing the researcher to make important recommendations on actions managers can take to improve work output outcomes.

The study will select (n=40) employees from two organizations using the purposive technique of non-random sampling. The purposive sampling technique generally relies on the researcher’s judgment in the selection of units to be studied, with the sample selected using this technique being relatively small in comparison to random sampling techniques. The main objective in using purposive sampling to select the study sample is to focus or emphasize specific characteristics in the employee population, which will enable the researcher prove or disprove the hypotheses. While this sample cannot be considered representative of the employee population in organizations across the country, the presence of employees from two different organizations will allow for study of the particular characteristics required in the study. In this case, homogenous purposive sampling will be applied to the study, where the final sampled participants will share the same traits or characteristics in terms of their job backgrounds, occupation, and management. This is a good fit for the study because the study seeks to address a research problem that is specific to the group of interest, which will be examined in further detail.

To collect data from the participants, the study will adopt the questionnaire method which consists of questions seeking to elicit information on the dependent variables from the participants by varying the independent variable. More specifically, the closed-question questionnaire will be used for this study, which only allows the participants to give answers that fit into the identified categories predetermined by the researcher. In this case, the questionnaire answers will be based on a Likert scale from 1 to 5 where 1 represents ‘Strongly Agree’ and 5 represent ‘Strongly Disagree’. In turn, 2, 3, and 4 represent agree, do not know, and disagree respectively. This form of questionnaire will be a good fit for the study because it allows for the collection of large amounts of data from a relatively large group of participants over a short time period. In addition, the questionnaire instrument provides data that is easier to quantify using a software package like SPSS. Moreover, the subsequent quantified data can be used for contrast and comparison purposes to determine the similarity of the results with findings from other similar studies.

The questionnaire data collected will be further analyzed using descriptive statistics in order to determine the data’s basic features, which, together with graphical analysis, will provide summaries of the data and enable the study make conclusions about the data. Univariate analysis will be used to examine the data across different units of respective study variables at a time. One characteristic of the variables that will be examined is the distribution of data, which is a summary of the frequency of value ranges of individual values for ingle variables including accuracy of work output and thoroughness of work output. Another characteristic that will be examined is the central tendency, which will include the mode, median, and mean of the data. Finally, the study will also involve the examination of the dispersion, which includes both the standard deviation and the range.

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