
Environmental and Social Impacts of Solar Power

664 words | 3 page(s)

Solar power is very cheap and clean as compared to other sources of power. This is because the sun provides a good resource for generating sustainable electricity without emissions that can cause pollution. The process underlying the production of the solar energy is a very instrumental technology that can be applied to bring positive change in the society. The predominant impacts on the environment come from the use of the solar panels produce power. The potential environmental impacts include reduced land use and the usage of very little water in the production process, it is economical, it does not have emissions and remote locations can generate the energy with ease.

When compared to other energy production methods, the use of solar panels does not require large parcels of land. The panels can be placed on the tops of the roofs in the homesteads and offices to assist in the energy production process. Therefore, these systems do not require any land especially for small-scale production for use in the homesteads and offices. Placing the solar cells on top of other existing structures in order to produce electricity portray economy on land use.

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The solar panels do not it utilize water in their energy production processes. However, a lot of water is required in the manufacture of the components of the cells. The water utilized in the cooling processes in the solar cells is very little when compared to the water to the water that is used in the production of energy by other sources like geothermal power plants. On the other hand, the water that is used by the solar panels can be easily reused which is very economical to the generators. The amount of water that can be used in the processes depends on the location and design of the plant. The type of cooling system in the systems may also determine the quantity of water required. Most of the impoverished areas of Africa of Africa are very dry. Consequently, the use of these solar systems is likely to be beneficial to the economy of water.

Unlike the use of other sources of energy like the fossil fuels, the use of solar energy does not release any emissions to environment. The use of these panels can assist in managing global warming because it does not have any greenhouse emissions. Very negligible volumes of greenhouse gases are emitted when there is large scale manufacture of power by use of the solar panels. Therefore, the use of solar power is one of the most practical ways through which the environment can be conserved.

The remote places can have effective installation and use of solar power. This is because the power does not require heavy infrastructural investments to acquire. The biggest recourse used in the production of energy is the sunlight. Therefore, the solar panels can placed in any place in order to assist in harvesting the energy that can be used in various activities. The use of solar energy does not require installation of heavy machinery that can destroy land that which is very crucial towards sustaining the ecological system.

There are various social benefits that are associated with the use of solar energy in the homesteads. These sources of energy is very economical and can assist a family to save the costs that can be used for other forms of energy. The nature of the energy production production process makes it good for domestic use because it does not have any health hazards. Therefore, the production of solar energy engages numerous processes that are beneficial to the environmental conservation initiatives. The materials required in the production of the energy and the resources cause very little or no destruction on the environment. Most of the African states have limited land resources and are subjected to heavy environmental pollution. Consequently, the adoption of solar energy is one of the most realistic ways through which the environment can be conserved and economical utility if land can be achieved.

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