
Examples Of Personal Bias

379 words | 2 page(s)

When it comes to bias and wrong assumptions that I had before, I can refer to the confirmation bias which pertains to the cognitive type of bias. It was a situation when I applied for a job in the company that was suggested by my friend. I had a strongly positive idea of that organization, but after this, I learned that many people told that it was a company with a bad reputation because the managers working there were harassing the employees. Still, I did not want to believe in that facts and came to the interview.

Even though I knew that a lot of people characterized that company in a highly negative way, I asked the human resources managers whether there were any cases of unethical behavior in their organization. They told me that the company had an impeccable reputation, and I was inclined to believe them because subconsciously, I was seeking a confirmation of my assumption that the company was a good place to work. All in all, as I received the information that confirmed my ideas and I ignored the data that opposed by assumption, I took that job. Yet, after working for two weeks in that company, I witnessed myself that the managers were indeed harassing the employees. It is evident that this type of cognitive bias made it difficult for me to distinguish between the evidence I learned from other people or the ideas that human resources manager told me.

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It is evident that it is crucial to be aware of the existence of biases and wrong assumptions to be able to track one’s process of cognition that makes us believe in the incorrect statements and make wrong choices. Bias prevent us from being objective as we do not harness the basics of critical thinking and analysis when making decisions. It is crucial to be familiar with different types of biases because when doing research or reviewing information, we will not distort the results, aspiring them to fit within our conceptual frameworks. We will be more impartial and unprejudiced when learning the arguments of others since will understand that it is essential to check the information for credibility, appealing to various sources and avoiding subjective statements that are not supported with reliable data.

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