
Farmer’s Market Full Report

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A Farmers Market is a communal (usually) open-air market place where local growers and sellers can meet their immediate customer market. The idea of a Farmer’s Market is not new, it’s the oldest supply and demand distribution there is. A Famer’s Market is where Farmers, Tradesmen, Hobbyist and Crafters go to peddle their goods collectively for customers to by. It is a method of direct sale from supplier to consumer. The structure has been around for ages. The products in services all set up in a booth, or presentation of something similar. Today the urban market is the later days farmers market. Distribution has become commercial and now fresh products are separated into “organic” or ”non-organic”. In part two of his report Zak Solomon gives an in-depth definition of Organic and Non-Organic differences (FoodSateyNews.com).

Because there has been a trend in recent years with the patronage and consumption of artesian goods and some concern if this trend will affect the independent marketers business (Kurtzleben, usNews.com). In reality the farmer’s market is not a new thing, it’s an old practice integrated into present day forum. Many markets are still available and a common occurrence in more rural areas. Though the term Farmer’s Market is common place before the days of convince store it was deemed “the Market” a place where people would collectively go to buy and sell goods, services and craft items.

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The Farmers Market is something reminiscent of times long since past. A time where independent growers could market their own goods in town square and call their price for their produce according to season, competition and overall quality.
They are often replaced by commercial grocers or smaller markets when it comes to everyday practices now. The desire for a life of convince has mead many to become accustomed to shopping at the local grocer as opposed to the visiting the nearest farmer. So the farmers market was created in present day to reflect the practices of old traditions.

The basic example of a farers market is, independent seller with independent booths. There might be a couple of people who share their booths with friends or neighbors to boost the presentation of their inventory but for the most part there is no uniform example of what a marketers own booth might look like. For the most part all transactions are cash and convince is a secondary to organic product quality.

Because the farmer or trades man working at any given farmers market is selling direct from his supply to the consumer the profit of the goods sold goes direct tot the supplier. If the same supplier were to sell to the same customer the same item through a third party like a standard grocer or market, that third party has a right to take some of the profits. So, even in small sales number the profit can make a difference in a positive way when selling direct to consumer as opposed to working out a bulk deal through a commercial distributer.

Consumer Practices:
Today’s general consumer is more use to the option of choice selection, sales and commercial settings presented by commercial grocers or markets. Because this is not the case for the typical farmers market, those potential consumers who are most conformable with the grocer’s presentation might not find the same quality of a consumer is open to the idea of buying food or craft items off the general circuit.

Another deterrent to the farmers market is today’s consumer requirement of convenience. A customer would most likely go for a good, which is deliverable or stationary in a relative market then off the beaten path to another supplier. These consumers do not often make it to the farmers market and their fore a re a small population in the consumer information.

Because there are so many government regulations on consumable goods the commercial grocers or markets are obligated to purchase only the goods deemed appropriate for consumption set by these laws.
According to the research consumers had these opinions about their farmers market:
10% felt the trend was just that, a trend that would not last over time.
Roughly half (50%) of respondents agreed that food quality from fresh, high quality ingredients was good, and worthy of consumption.
80% said the location selected was a big reason to go.
And out of all the people surveyed, 100% agreed that the food provided by the Farmer Market was fresh, clean and high quality, supporting the original material that Food provided by a Farmer Market provides value, and worthy produce that can compete with traditional food.
In contrast 100 % of respondents also argued that pricing was too expensive. This suggests that pricing may be problematic with regard to retaining customers

A Farmers Market is run for the people and by the people. It is an old world tradition in a new age. There is nostalgia and a sense of community when working or shopping within the Farmer’s Market. The purpose behind such a market might present itself to be for the standard buying and selling of goods but more things come by shopping at a Farmers Market, a sense of community and interpersonal relationships (localharvest.org). When a person goes to a farmers Market they are buying their selected items but they are also experiencing life that is not part of the consumer machine and has a much needed human connection. There is also a sense of preservation with this tradition. Before the days of the commercial market before the time of convince stores there were street markets and weekly vendors. The Farmer’s Market is one of the last standing efforts of such a way in present day.
Noting the trends of consumerism, there is a steady incline to the commercial purchasing world. The desire to have a more personal life with real life options shows to be a luxury and again grows the certain appeal for consumers to participate in local farmers markets.
There is always good with the bad in cases of trade. When it comes to purchasing commodities the necessity of food is very real and where and how we get it all depends on where we are. Some areas are still very cultural and harvest their own food as an everyday chore item, some places there is no room for farming or harvesting and the people their go to stores. With this we see the value and loss of fair market trade as well as nutrition in food. When our farmer grown products are sold to commercial vendors for purchase in their commercial establishments the food then has to met the qualifications of government and other regulations. The process of which can actually damage the natural nutritional value of the food product.
Comparing urban consumers to rural ones is a unique example. Because the urban market is use to the product of commercially accrued and sold goods the very sight of non-altered farm products can be stifling. It is not uncommon to see the average famers market consumer come from a background that reflects either a simpler upbringing or a desire to eat more naturally.
Without research it is quite possible the average consumers do purchase and use goods that have gone under an array of post field production. Some fruits and vegetables may have been treated chemically; the animals that are slaughtered to produce the meat for sale may have been fed with growth or other hormones that then contaminate their meat (NewFrontiersMarket.com).
The idea behind farmers markets is to avoid the commercial obligations set forth by the government regulations set forth with major stores. The laws that are in place to do so do this to protect the consumer. The purpose behind the famers market is to allow farmers (and the other trades and craftsmen who frequent this market) to sell their goods or services direct to the public.

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