
Financial Difficulties/Need Help

551 words | 2 page(s)

Dear Mrs. Bradshaw,

I hope you are doing well, I know that it has been awhile since we last spoke, and I admit I should have called or written sooner. I would have loved to have heard your voice, but I felt that it would be easier to write to you first. You have been like a mother to me; a part of my family, as were my colleagues during the three years that I worked for you. You are an amazing woman, and it was my pleasure to take care of your husband and to get to know your entire family during that time. My family and I think of you often, and we are very grateful to you for the assistance you provided to us.

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My main purpose of writing to you is that my family and I are going through some tough times right now. As you are aware, I am in school for my Master’s degree, working to become a Nurse Practitioner, something that will be complete by next year. School and work have been going well, and I am managing, but it is a struggle. I am working part time, making approximately $900 every two weeks. I was able to feed my family and also manage to pay the necessary bills on these amounts, but then an issue arose.

My biggest problem right now is the money I owe to the IRS, totaling $14,000, the taxes I didn’t pay when I worked for you. This has caused serious financial issues for my family, and I simply don’t know what else to do. I called IRS and they said I need to make payments in the amount of $500 a month, including penalties and interest. Please understand that I hate to ask, and I would not ask if I had any other way I could think of, but I would like to know if you are both able and willing to loan me the $14,000 so I may pay IRS in full, and then make payment arrangements with you. Things are very tough for us right now. I know it is a lot to ask of you, but you have always come to our rescue in times of need, and as I said, I’m not quite sure what else to do. You are the only person I feel comfortable asking for a favor of this magnitude. I have pleaded with the IRS but they have said that if they don’t receive the monthly payment in two consecutive months, then, they will garnish my paycheck. I am able to support my family on what I am making now, but I would not be able to do so if they were to start garnishing my wages. I am in desperate need of your help.

I will be happy to sit down with you and make payment arrangements at any time you would like. I will be graduating next year may and intend to make approximately $96,000 each year, at which time I would be able to pay you back in full, with interest. Regardless of your decision, it would be good to hear your voice once more, and I hope that we may talk at a later point and time to simply catch up.

Your “son” Collins Fomunung

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