Financial planning should be taken seriously because it is essential to one's financial health. In this view, individuals should focus on understanding it and developing strategies that are critical to investing for future spending. In my opinion, it should be seen as a way of achieving financial security as well...
927 words | 4 page(s)
It is useless to argue that money is an integral part of our everyday life. They enable us to obtain all the things essential for our physical comfort. They ensure our safety and stability, maintaining, in such a manner, our emotional well-being. They allow us to make plans for the...
967 words | 4 page(s)
Before I read the article and watch the video about Behavioral Finance, I did a brief prediction on what this is. To me, behavioral finance has to do with the way the economy reacts, like when President-elect Donald Trump was winning the election, the stock market went down a little....
667 words | 3 page(s)
In the present paper, the purpose is to identify and analyze a series of specific corporate financial indicators, which are likely to affect my company, as well as, the markets that my organization is operating within. The analysis will be conducted in light of the opportunities they present. The trends...
925 words | 4 page(s)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have different missions and assume different functions. According to Masters (2013), “the IMF is officially charged with managing the global regime of exchange rates and international payments that allows nations to do business with one another.” The organization facilitates trade and...
650 words | 3 page(s)
Foreign direct investment by global multinationals is the key to expansion and growth in a global market where the remaining opportunity for consumer and market growth is in less-developed and emerging economies. The risks that are faced due to currency can be a major challenge in business operations and profitability....
625 words | 3 page(s)
In 2007, the option of possible convergence of the FASB and IFRS was discussed. The reasoning to the adoption of common accounting standards were referred to the fact that it would assist in preparation of better financial reports. Besides, the convergence of these accounting standards is pursued over almost the...
875 words | 3 page(s)
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are a set of rules and guidelines prepared to regulate the financial operations in different parts of the world. The introduction of IFRS facilitated the need for investing globally with the help of the International Accounting Standards that regulate the global market and the operations...
707 words | 3 page(s)
This report examines the way that the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has impacted the collection and disposition of financial data on SEC traded companies in general, and the organization of my choice specifically. The report summarizes the way financial data is recorded at the customer level and disseminated to executives...
683 words | 3 page(s)
The IRS claimed that the Tax Court’s ruling regarding the application of Section 901, 26 C.F.R. § 1.901-2(a) for the treatment of the Windfall Tax for Entergy, T.C. and in the PPL Corp. case were erroneous because taxes imposed on both companies were not based on excess profits and did...
1117 words | 4 page(s)
This paper concerns the problem of national debt. It will begin by giving an understanding of what national debt is together with some of the consequences that may result from it. It will then consider various strategies that can considered in order to reduce the size of a particular national...
641 words | 3 page(s)
Financial markets refer to the system where people trade in financial securities, commodities, and other items of value (Mishkin, 2007). Low transaction costs characterize the markets, and the prices are affected by the forces of supply and demand. The common securities and commodities traded in these markets include stocks, bonds,...
1200 words | 5 page(s)
A household budget is a plan that describes how one spends the income one earns, and how the income will enhance the achievement of the financial goals of a given person. However, a large number of people fail to draft a household budget with the belief that, one knows the...
784 words | 3 page(s)
The best way to define a household budget would be; a plan that outlines out how the income of a given household is going to be spent, in a bid to achieve the needs the needs of the house in line with the income. When I look at my budget,...
643 words | 3 page(s)
It is important to understand the meaning of the topic in this case. The word ‘derivative’ implies that the component is gotten out of something else. The underlying item could be securities, stock market index, bullion, currency or any other thing from which the former can be obtained. In this...
893 words | 3 page(s)
An article named “A Fragile Accord? G-20 Currency Agreement May Be a Shaky Deal” dated February 2015 from The Wall Street Journal, dealt with exchange rate fluctuations and what measures the Global financial leaders are taking to curb its negatives effect. This paper gives a review of the article and...
571 words | 2 page(s)
On the list of political issues that remain highly important to many voters and those within the government, spending the deficit are near the top. There currently exist websites that will show a person precisely where the national debt sits, and some have used this figure to pressure voters into...
908 words | 4 page(s)
Personal bankruptcy is a constitutional aspect that explains a situation whereby an individual is not able to meet individual debt requirements. This status can only be declared by a federal or state court. Personal bankruptcy allows debtors to discharge all or part of their debts (English, Hicks & Gyles, 2003)....
660 words | 3 page(s)
Generally, firms file for bankruptcy when they are unable to repay their creditors. During the recent economic crisis, American Airlines and general Motors have had to file for bankruptcy. American Airlines and AMR Corp., its parent company, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in late 2011 after losing more than $10...
584 words | 2 page(s)
Over the last several years, the issue of government bailouts has been increasingly brought to the forefront. This is because of controversies surrounding, if these programs are effective and their capacity to help firms become more competitive. However, in spite of these differences, the reality is they are successful over...
450 words | 2 page(s)
Any person during their lifetime due to unforeseen circumstances such as lost of employment, high medical expenses, or major repairs on a house can fall into economic hardship. When a person does not have sufficient income to cover both living expenses and debt payment they face a tricky situation. An...
592 words | 2 page(s)
Financial planning is a very important process because it enhances the management of fiscal processes for individuals and organizations. The planning assists an individual in the conversion of goals into working tactics through the provision of a conceptual framework to assist in the attainment of these goals (Subramaniam, 2012). Some...
632 words | 3 page(s)
The monetary approach and the balance of payments approach are two theories that are critical in explaining exchange rates. The former focuses on the monetary guidelines or policies of two countries to establish their currency exchange rate. This model incorporates price and interest rate dynamics. In this case, the domestic...
598 words | 2 page(s)
The top five industries of the largest donors were hedge funds, private equity, and venture capital; other securities and investment; energy and natural resources; real estate and construction; and media and entertainment (Parlapiano & Willis, 2014). Other industries that have spawned high donations include health care, insurance, technology, retail and...
678 words | 3 page(s)
While companies grow in complexity and size and tend to internationalize, it is of critical strategic importance to maintain and improve the performance of working capital. Once a company intends to improve working capital, it strives to maintain a positive balance between the finished goods inventory and customer service. Top...
1042 words | 4 page(s)