
Gen Y In The Workplace

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Josh was a young graduate from university who wanted to undertake an ambitious adventure in the film industry. He wanted to make films that that had a strong social commentary. He also preferred distribution of the films through open platforms so that the message could get the highest number of people. On the other hand, Sarah had a different plan for marketing the triple-F series whereby she wanted the whole company to adopt the use of aggressive print campaigns and TV advertisements. According to Josh, Sarah’s methods were outdated by technology and the state of things. Josh had a feeling that they needed to adopt methods with less traffic to enhance effectiveness.

Josh had very different expectations in the company and generally in the film industry. Unlike his boss Sarah, Josh did not expect the film industry to put his life on routine. He expected to be highly involved in the activities in the company so as to get a good opportunity to learn. Sarah on the other hand wanted Josh to work on ancillary projects that she was spearheading on a routine basis. This did not give Josh sufficient time to exploit his personal ideas apply them freely in the company. It is also imperative to note that Sarah is very rigid and static to her ideas, at one time she shut Josh from trying to convince her to use a modern advertising method. She harshly cut down the conversation.

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Sarah assumes that what she feels should be done is always right. After so many years of experience, she still had the feeling that she had the best emerging ideas. She believed that her career was still in the developing stage, and that is why most of the things she wanted to done were to serve her self-interest. One of the positions she wants to lobby for was international business development or family films. Unlike the selfish character of Sarah, Josh believed that developing personal skills could go hand in hand in developing the company and sharing out ideas with others.

Sarah appears to be ignorant and very arrogant towards the young members of the company. Despite attending a seminar that sensitized her on the need to invest a lot of in nurturing the young colleagues, Sarah did not believe in adding more information to Josh’s good ideas. She believed that young people hired by companies believe in getting praise rather than earning praise. She did not bother inviting Josh to the meeting despite the necessity for him to be in attendance and present his contributions. Instead, she promises to explain to him what conspired after the meeting.

How Josh and Sarah Can Work Together Effectively
Communication is simple and fundamental area that they need to check. Sarah should adopt the use of direct and simple language in order to avoid assumptions and confusion. As the leader, she should ensure she leads by example and embrace clarity to the points (Kelly, 2012). This will ensure that there is full understanding of each other in the company in the bid to break the communication barriers that are prevalent between her and Josh. It is also very important that she takes her and listen to Josh.

Both Sarah and Josh should accept sharing of preferences and put the self-interests aside. Sarah should take her time to listen to Josh and try to understand his ideas. By doing this, she will have become very sensitive to Josh’s preferences. This may boost Josh’s morale and make him feel that he is recognized in the company. By sharing preferences, they will be able to come up with a common way of doing the things that are under dispute (Kelly, 2012).

In a successful team, it is good that individual contribution is recognized and gratified. In this case, both Sarah and Josh should celebrate success and express thanks where necessary. Sarah should stop thinking that she is the only successful individual around that place. She should recognize the efforts that are put by the young talents like Josh to the organization and thank them for the efforts (Bell, 2013). This brings encouragement and builds a good relationship in colleagues and thus improving service delivery.

Sarah should create a positive working culture in the company. Very few people will like to give out their best in a hostile, unfriendly and critical environment. People are able to think creatively and well when they feel good. Instead of being very sarcastic and critical, Sarah should help Josh to identify his weaknesses so as to improve his confidence and experience as opposed to suppressing it. Sarah should break away from the past of making people learn using old methods and tactics and embrace a generative mood (Kelly, 2012). It is good that Sarah breaks the habitual patterns within the organization and ensures that the company is very dynamic and up to date (Bell, 2013).

If I were Josh, I will continue to have a good attitude in work despite any treatment that I may receive. This is to maintain respect and encouraging the use of professional ethics. This will create an understanding mood that will have assisted me to play my role so as to break the communication and ethical barriers that exist between us (Bell, 2013). This will also help me to manage stress and tension that may be existing between me and Sarah. This will also play a big role in attracting Sarah’s attention and we will solve the issues amicably.

  • Bell, Erica. Sales Prospecting Perspectives. Salesworks. May, 1 2013.
  • Kelly, Roser. Improving Teamwork. Business Matters. September 2012.

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