
Global Gender Studies

516 words | 2 page(s)

The issue of LGBTQ is a hotly contested issue globally, with some groups supporting it whereas others are sharply opposed. In the developed world, the law gives the LGBTQ the freedom to exercise their ideals and participate in whatever it pleases them as long as it does not interfere with the rights of others. In some other jurisdictions, the law is silent about it while others consider it a non-issue. In Uganda, which is an East African country, LGBTQ is a serious issue that is considered a felony. Anyone associated with it is a criminal, as well as a social misfit that must be condemned at all times. Recently, those in support of it faced reprisals from both the state and society, forcing the international society to intervene (Burn 78). The international community should be considered with the way LGBTQ is treated in such a country because it is a human rights issue. The international law provides for individual rights and freedoms, including the right to express one’s sexuality without state intervention (Musopole 21).

Malawi is a South African state. In the movie, culture forces women into servitude. Oppression and subjugation is the order of the day for many women who are always exposed to violence and discrimination (Boyce and Karr). The movie is a documentary that chronicles the findings of a study by the Leitner Center for International Law and Justice based at the Fordham Law School. The documentary exposes the economic, emotional, physical, and the cultural abuse that women are taken through in their daily lives. The country exhibits the highest rates of HIV/AIDS prevalence mainly because of the harmful cultural practices associated with violence against women. For instance, a woman in this society has no right over her body, particularly when it comes to sex. She has to give in to the advances of the man failure of which violence is meted out at her. This has resulted in higher rates of HIV/AIDSs prevalence.

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In the movie, a woman is seen carrying a baby in her back while at the same time, she is supposed to go about her daily activities I an attempt to secure food for other children back at home. A woman goes through so many problems before putting food on the table for the family. Since the society does not support women in meeting their daily needs, most of them are forced into prostitution or simply money for sex. A woman in the movie is seen working extremely hard, but little is paid to her. The little that is paid to women is not enough. One of them is seen embracing a man who is willing to pay her for sex. The man is unwilling to use protection and since the woman has no other option, she simply gives in to such an advance.

  • Boyce, Edward, and Karr, Doug. The Female Face of Aids: Crisis in Malawi.
  • Burn, Shawn. Women across Cultures: A Global Perspective. McGraw-Hill Higher Education
  • Musopole, Augustine C. Spirituality, Sexuality, and Hiv/aids in Malawi: Theological Strategies for Behaviour Change. Zomba: Kachere Series, 2006. Print.

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