
Global Warming Proposed Policy Change

1307 words | 5 page(s)

Current scientific data, as presented within multiple peer-reviewed journal indicates that global warming is arguably the factor responsible for an increase in the frequency and severity of storms, as they occur in the U.S. Eastern Costal areas. The identified attribute is an observable increase in the intensity and severity of hurricanes and severe storms. Additionally, these two particular attributes may be directly correlated to the atmospheric changes characteristic of global warming. In order to safeguard the current inhabitants of these religions and to protect these precious economic regions, policy must therefore evolve. Funding should be dispersed by the appropriate governmental associated agencies in order to conduct research that will lead to applicable policy changes.

Furthermore, research should be crafted based on literature, which indicates statistical significance for the proposed hypothesis. Any study should be executed to determine how citizens within the US may reduce and reverse the effects of global warming and subsequently reduce the increased occurrence and severity of storms which appear to be targeting the southeastern costal states, within the US. This report will present an overview of 5 peer reviewed articles that may be utilized to scientifically confirm this hypothesis.

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While some influential individuals may refute the credibility of data, which indicates an increase in the severity/intensity of storms related to the naturally occurring events of “Global Warming”, lawmakers must utilize scientific data when crafting policy which may impact the current atmospheric conditions. Throughout the execution of due diligence, multiple independent groups of scientists and research professionals have collected, submitted, and published peer-reviewed data. These peer-reviewed articles indicate that the atmospheric conditions caused by the phenomena of global warming has led to an increase in the severity/intensity and frequency of Hurricanes within areas of the Southeastern coast of the US.

This report presents information derived from multiple sources, which substantiate the previously stated claims. Information therefore indicates that variability in atmospheric conditions, correlate to the frequency of natural disasters (i.e hurricanes) and is directly associated with an increase in their number, potency, and frequency. Monitoring the increase and severity of Hurricanes as they occur in eastern costal areas will be critical for the purposes of; protecting human lives, safeguarding businesses/economic development, and to reduce the overall ecological footprint of Americans. Legislative policy should be crafted to ensure a quick and effective response during a worst-case scenario.

The case studies presented should be utilized to obtain necessary funding for the execution of further studies. Further proof should be applied to the creation of enhanced policy management to effectively control the outcome of events caused by Hurricanes that touch down on the US. eastern seaboard. Additionally, legislators and citizens may utilize the information presented in this report to mitigate the potential future impact of global warming prevalence.

As per the National Geographic, the number of Atlantic hurricanes that form each year has doubled. In correlation, greenhouses gases and the temperature in the eastern Atlantic Ocean has also steadily increased (John Roach, 2007). A report conducted by Josh Roach for National Geographic Hurricanes indicates that severe storms such as; Katrina, Ike, Irene, Issac, and Sandy are likely to have been caused by the effects of global warming. Roach notes that these storms were especially disastrous and all have occurred within the past decade. This observation therefore correlates to an identical timeline for observation of changes in the atmospheric conditions, suspected to be brought on by global warming.

An additional study conducted by Lakshmi Kantha within the widely accepted “Ocean Engineering” journal indicates that the attributes associated with recent eastern hurricanes are sometimes more dangerous that the category of their designated wind speed. Storm surges are particularly dangerous and were determined to have been responsible for most of the devastation caused by both Sandy in New York, and Katrina in the South Eastern United States (Kantha, 2013). These hurricanes yielded a dark time in the lives of the citizens of these states and were a stark warning to address the causes of these storms.uper Hurricanes in the Eastern US appear to be increasing in relation to their frequency and intensity, as observed by higher classifications (John Roach, 2007).

Observation of these super storms must force a revision of the U.S. Model for dealing with emergency response. Subsequently, during the responses of Hurricane Sandy, a question was presented as to determine how much aid was to be delivered to the individuals who suffered property damage/loss. This is particularly problematic when considering the population density and the economic importance of these costal regions.

A report conducted by the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences also indicates that super storms have not been historically prevalent in the U.S Eastern costal regions (Ranger et al., 2014). This observation indicates a requirement for advancing policy change, for how storms are assessed, and for determining their cause (i.e. global warming).

At this point it is important to state that data indicates that the current rate of observed climate change, is expected to bring an increase in the frequency, spatial extent, intensity and duration of climactic extremes (Wagner et.al, 2014). Events that were previously designated to have been “rare” events are now becoming standard, as is presented in the peer-reviewed journal; Applied Geography. Scientists therefore present a clear indication that these events are becoming more frequent as global temperatures and CO2 emissions arise. These environmental conditions create the perfect setting to generate a storm which is able to sustain greater force for an extended duration, within areas such as the U.S Eastern seaboard, where history has indicated that these areas were not previously favorable for hurricane development (Wagner, et.al, 2014).

According to Peter Howe of Global Environmental Change, the recent level of increased destruction of infrastructure in the Eastern States indicates an economic and safety requirement for addressing the increase of Hurricanes in the Eastern US (Howe, 2011). The response from policy makers should be to utilize the full extent of all data that researchers have collected to indicate to the general public that there is a need to incentivize enhanced architectural designs, create better water management systems, and to ensure that eastern state have all the necessary resources including to respond in a worst case scenario. Effective policy should carve out areas in each states budget to ensure adequate resources are available for care of each citizen. The goal of any policy should be to utilize studies and case examples to prove that it is not in the best interest of citizens of a respective state to depend upon the federal government to alleviate all burdens, after a devastating Hurricane. State policy makers should ensure that their citizens may never be collateral damages of internal federal politics that may or may not occur at any given point in time.

In Conclusion, the articles presented within this report indicate a similarity that may not be easily refuted. All articles indicate that the prevalence and severity of Hurricanes within the Eastern US has increased and may be directly correlated to the atmospheric effects of global warming. Further studies should be conducted to confirm all observations made within this report. Legislators should observe the past responses to natural disasters by rapidly crafting policy and setting aside partisan ideological belief’s. An ideal policy model is presented in 1953 when an uncommon flood devastated densely populated regions of the Netherlands. The subsequent response of governing bodies was to execute a paradigm shift in redesigning water management systems and to enhance the architecture of the region. Scientific studies focus obtaining further proof that the atmospheric climactic changes of global warming, are directly correlated to the surge of Hurricanes in the Eastern Seaboard. Policy should be crafted based on further studies, which focus on presenting the best response scenarios and also to determine how man made causes of global warming can be stymied and perhaps fully controlled.

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