
GMO Argumentative Essay

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Today, the use of genetically modified organism in crop and animal production is real. Genetic engineering is the manipulation of genetic substance so as to create an entirely new being or an organ to carry out specific function (Van, 45). Interestingly, through the use of genetic engineering advancement, there will come a time when parents will be able to manipulate the traits and personality of their children. Genetic engineering has played a significant role in the fields of medicine and pharmaceutical through the discoveries of various drugs and gene therapy. Despite the different benefits attached to the use of genetic engineering, its morality is questionable and has raised debate.

Various ethical and moral factors have a huge influence on the social view and the future of the genetic engineering. It is evident that scientific advancement is not always beneficial to the society as a whole. As a result, it is one of most controversial issues in the society today. There is a group that views genetic engineering as a huge advancement and a great move and more so ethical (Epstein, 5). Others believe that improvements such as human clones that are genetically developed are unethical, unwarranted and should come to an end. They believe that genetic engineering is not advantageous to the society and more so it is unethical.

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One of the major reasons why genetic engineering should come to a halt is that it destroys the social norms and moral ethics and facilitates the loss of humanity. For instance, it is evident that humans created from clones are likely to be regarded as lesser and only be excellent for target experiments (Epstein 2). Additionally, it is also evident that if technology will at one time be capable of manipulating the traits of their unborn toddler, a high number of people will be willing to alter their unborn genes so that the child is born perfect and normal (Epstein, 3). The capability to create a child will change social believe and people will always be working towards their children achieving excellent genes. Additionally, discrimination may occur if this continues. The reason behind this is that there manipulated humans and unaltered humans will exist and more so the disrespect of cloned human will be witnessed (Gaj, 33). So as to save the future and the society as a whole from damage, genetic engineering should be stopped by all means. Besides, it facilitates the development of unethical activities within the society.

From a religious perspective, the misuse of human eugenics creates a lot of controversies on the morality of genetic engineering activities. Eugenics entails to the development, use, death and disposing of human fetuses while undertaking various genetic engineering procedures (“Genetic Engineering and Morality” n.p). Human fetuses are regarded possible human from various religious faith views and using it and later disposing it is immoral and unethical. Further, the employment of negative eugenics is serious ethical issues as it distorts human rights to life.

The use of cells obtained from fetuses also raises the ethics and morality issues in genetic engineering. For instance, most vaccines are generated from cells of fetuses. Religious faiths such as Roman Catholic are against these vaccines and acts since they consider it a sin (“Genetic Engineering and Morality” n.p). The continued advancement in genetic engineering will extend human life on earth which in turn will exert a lot of pressure on the universe and overexploitation of resources. From an ethical and moral perspective, this is not desirable as it is against God’s will. Conclusively, morality and ethics in genetic engineering and human advancement is controversial that needs further research and scrutiny to weigh both the positive and adverse effects, so as to ascertain its degree of morality.

  • Epstein, R J. Human Molecular Biology: An Introduction to the Molecular Basis of Health and Disease. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Print.
  • Gaj, T, BE Epstein, and DV Schaffer. “Genome Engineering Using Adeno-Associated Virus: Basic and Clinical Research Applications.” Molecular Therapy : the Journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. 24.3 (2016): 458-64. Print.
  • “Genetic Engineering and Morality: What Ethical and Moral Issues does Genetic Engineering Face Today?”. Bright Hub, 2017, http://www.brighthub.com/
  • Van, der W. W. J. “Organic Versus Gm : Why the Conflict? : Genetic Engineering.” Farmer’s Weekly. 31.93014 (2003): 30-31. Print.

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