
Good Life by One Republic

356 words | 2 page(s)

The song “Good Life” by One Republic is lyrically intriguing because of its particular approach to the theme of optimism. In my interpretation, the lyrics present, on the one hand, some idealized image of what the good life is, and, on the other hand, a narrative about the singer’s life experiences. The lyrics basically are structured around the idea of a comparison between these two main threads, which leads the singer to conclude that his life does, in a sense, correspond to this idealized image of the good life he also possesses. This is the logic behind the main chorus, which states “this has gotta be the good life” as opposed to “this is the good life.” There is a juxtaposition of images, one ideal of the good life and one realistic notion of his own life, which are then interrelated throughout the song, showing that the difference between the two may not even exist.

For me personally, this song helps me confront some of the problems in my life. For example, we all tend to have some intuitive notion of what our idealized “good life” is. However, upon closer examination, perhaps our “real world”, our reality, is not so far off from this idealized life as we may believe. This entails that many of our idealizations are false and we must appreciate the “good” aspects of the life we currently lead. This is obviously a benefit to self-reflection about how to confront one’s problems, since we view these problems from a new perspective. Namely, by reflecting on the lyrics of this song, I close the gap between the ideal life and the real life I lead. This helps me realize that some of the problems I face are in fact trivial and insignificant or that, in another light, some of these problems may in fact be actually beneficial to the extent that they can help one grow as a person. In other words, One Republic’s song helps one overcome the disjunction between what we believe is ideal and our everyday life, showing that there are moments of the ideal in the everyday.

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