
When Did New York Abolish Slavery?

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The year 1827 marked a significant turnaround to the issue of slavery in the state of New York (Kruger, 1985). Understandingly, various social ills that are associated with slavery had taken a toll on the American community during the earlier decades. Bearing in mind that slavery was regarded as a great pillar of the economy of the United States, making the activity illegal was a significant step that should be celebrated. Personally, I think the abolishment of slavery in the New York was one of the issues that head great implications to the American history.

First, the abolition of slave trade proved that the United States was on the right course of ensuring that human rights are apprehended. Slavery is associated with various ills such as torture and forced labor that are against human rights. Despite the fact that there some states that supported the role of slavery in the economy of the country, the decision by the New York state to make the activity illegal was an excellent choice. Importantly, the rationale proved that the state was ready to protect human dignity at the expense of individual economic gains that were seemingly the compelling factors that spearheaded the ill (Gellman, 2006).

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Second, the abolishment of slavery in New York also justified that the state was on the right course towards the development of other initiatives that could be implemented to ensure that the economy of the state is maintained (Gellman, 2006). For instance, the decision marked a significant turnaround that provided a foundational platform for enhancing industrial activities. It became evidently clear that industrialization is a better off regarding supporting the economic growth of the state and the US as a whole in contrast to slavery. Thus, other than ensuring that all the residents of New York are treated equally, the abolishment of slavery in New York also created a new dimension for the development of other techniques of developing the economy of the United States (Kruger, 1985).

I also find the abolishment of slavery in the city of New York as a great decision that affected the history of the United States positively because it enhanced peace and stability between the state and other states across the US. Notably, there were a series of ongoing conflicts between different states in the US on whether slavery was okay or not (Gellman, 2006). The controversies went a state further to an extent where some states wanted to detach themselves from the federal government leading to conflicts of interests and even wars. Thus, whereas peace is amongst the prime focus that the federal government of the US is struggling to address, it is equally important to appreciate the decision by New York State to ban slavery.

Finally, it is also worth to note that the abolishment of slavery in the city of New York back in 1827 was also vital because it provided a foundational platform for other states that were still exercising the ill to give up with the practice (Kruger, 1985). Importantly, it became evidently clear that it is important to respect human lives and enhance equality and peace in the American community. As a matter of fact, the decision by the state of New York went in handy with the enhancement of cohesion between the US and other world countries such as Africa that had undergone pain and suffering because of slavery. Thus, despite the fact the decision was arrived at by a single state at that time, it proved to be a significant progress in the long run. World countries that were affected found a new reason to conduct their activities with the federal government of the United States and the American people at large (Gellman, 2006).

  • Gellman, David Nathaniel. Emancipating New York: The Politics of Slavery and Freedom, 1777-1827. LSU Press, 2006.
  • Kruger, Vivienne L. Born to Run: The slave family in early New York, 1626-1827. Diss. Columbia University, 1985.

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