
Greenhouse Effect

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Global warming is the consistent increase in the temperature of the world in the climate system. Global warming is becoming the most harsh public health risks. However, very few people have sufficient information about its effect on their health. People of all social, cultural and ethnic orientations are vulnerable to the effects associated with global warming. However, the elderly, poor communities and the elderly are highly predisposed to the effects of climate change (EPA, 2014). The climate change has exposed the earth to numerous extreme climatic conditions that are detrimental to human health and ecological stability.

The major cause of the global warming is the increase in greenhouse in the atmosphere. Human and industrial activity is the major cause of the increase in temperature. Carbon IV oxide is the moist abundant greenhouse gas (NRDC, 2014). The burning of fossil fuels like natural gas, oil and coal are some of the human activities that have propagated the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The overloading and accumulating of carbon in the atmosphere forms a blanket that is responsible for the warming experienced in the atmosphere.

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Some of the waste management and agricultural activities are also responsible for the increased level of greenhouse houses in the atmosphere. Burning forests and other deforestation activities are also some of the factors that have increased the preference of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere (EPA, 2014). These practices facilitate the aggravation of gases like nitrous oxide and methane in the atmosphere. The carbon IV oxide stays in the atmosphere for extended periods. Therefore, its effects on the climatic setup accumulate over time. These gases lead to irreversible effects on the atmosphere. The average increase of the global temperature is approximately 20 Celsius in the 21st century (Weart, 2004). This is likely to increase because of the increase in the industrial activity and increased persistence of unsustainable agricultural practices. In another scenario, there have been consistent efforts from various global agencies to regulate and reduce the use of the sources of energy that emit greenhouse gases. Some of the agencies also promote the use of sustainable sources of energy that are very clean.

Global warming has presented numerous consequences to human health and safety in various ways. The increased level of health is very detrimental to human health. The increased level of heat increases the amount of smog in the atmosphere. The burning oil and coal releases a lot of particle and carbon to the atmosphere. As a result, some of the plants produce pollen that is highly allergenic which predisposes human beings to various respiratory infections (Weart, 2004). Some of the threats that are presented as a result of these infections include asthma. The extreme heats in the atmosphere are also responsible for the increased cost of operations in various places like healthcare centers. This is because most of the health organization need to acquire extra facilities to mitigate emergency cases that are affected by extreme heat waves that are intense (NRDC, 2014). The extreme temperature in the world has led to increased propagation of tropical diseases and their transmission agents.

Global warming has affected various human activities in the world. This is because it has led to various climatic deviations across the globe. The global warming has led to the emergence of record drought, storm and floods in the world. Global warming has led to the creation of hurricanes in various places across the world (EPA, 2014). The hurricanes are becoming stronger and very powerful. The increasing heating of the ocean has led to the accumulation of energy in the sea, and this makes the tropical storms become very powerful. With the projected increase in the amount of greenhouse gases in the future, a higher amount of global warming is expected and thus more environmental effected (Weart, 2004). Severe droughts have been experienced because of the inconsistencies caused in the rainfall patterns that has reduced the supply quality and quantity of water. The increased level of rainfall has increased the intensity of flooding. Flooding is very dangerous to human health because it increases contamination of drinking water that can lead to chronic illness outbreaks. This can also cause massive relocation of communities because of the displacement. The increased level of heat also leads to the melting of the ice in various places of the earth.

There have been dramatic actions across the world to restore the integrity of the atmosphere through enhancing conservation initiatives (EPA, 2014). Most of these initiatives are aimed reducing the amount of greenhouse gases produced in the world. These are strategies that are perceived to be very important in reducing global warming and promote the acquisition of safe and healthy world for future generations. Some of the initiatives include the use of sustainable and reversible sources of energy (NRDC, 2014).

In conclusion, the apparent trends indicate the earth is likely to experience rapid increase in the rate of global warming. This is attributed to the consistent increase in the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The emission of greenhouse gases compromises various environmental conservation initiatives which have tried to improve the state of the atmosphere (Weart, 2004). If appropriate measures are not accelerated through improvement of the level of responsibility in relation to greenhouse gas emission, the consequences of global warming are likely to increase and increase health hazards for the whole world.

  • EPA. Causes of Climate Change. United States Environmental Agency Publication. 2014. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/climatechange/science/causes.html
  • NRDC. Global Warming. Natural Resources Defense Council. 2014. Retrieved from http://www.nrdc.org/globalwarming/
  • Weart, Spencer. The Discovery of Global Warming. 2004. Harvard: Harvard University Press. Print.

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