
Healthcare of Middle Eastern Patients

1197 words | 4 page(s)

The relationship between the heath care practitioners of the West and the patients of the Middle East are affected by mutual differences in culture and styles of communication. The two factors cause mutual misunderstanding affecting the quality of healthcare delivery. Although the people from the Middle East vary in ethnic backgrounds, they have common behaviors and values. For instance, they value the importance of the family, orientations in time and space and similar attitudes towards illness and wellbeing. In addition, the issues that evolve in the healthcare provision include the acquisition of adequate information, conflicting attitudes in planning ahead and a good understanding of the beliefs of the people of the Middle East. A personal approach and healthcare continuity by the same physician help to bridge the gap between the medical culture of the West and the cultural practices of the people in the Middle East. On the other hand, the use of cultural interpreters assists in improving on the intensity of some cultural issues.

In the Middle East region, non-communicable diseases such as stroke, diabetes, and heart diseases cause increased rates or mortality and disability in comparison to other regions. The common risk factors that result in the increased rates of the disorders include poor diets, obesity, smoking and high blood pressure. The rapid cultural differences and shifts in the burden of illnesses cause disability and premature deaths. However, the government is making attempts to reduce the disease burden from nutritional, communicable, and maternal conditions.

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In addition, the Middle Easterners suffer from an increased incidence of disability and mortality rates as a result of accidents on the roads. Similarly, the rates of air contamination, changes in climate and contamination are prevalent, which leads to increased rates of illnesses. Besides, inadequate study based on few research experts makes the available information to be unreliable. In the region, there is a wide range of risk factors for illnesses such as smoking, lack of exercise among others. An improvement to the leadership of the region is a priority to improve the level of healthcare. The Nurses with a good understanding of the culture of the people of Middle East are in a better position to provide healthcare.

In regard to Middle Easterners seeking healthcare in the US, one has to be conscious that they are definitely not exempt from the challenges of being immigrants; in other words, it becomes apparent that Middle Easterners are faced with numerous trials in daily life due to their cultural and faith characteristics unfit for the bulk of Americans. Yes, as a matter of fact, the number of American people of Middle Eastern descent has increased dramatically throughout the last decade; among the major factors that exacerbated the massive flows of Middle Eastern migrants en route to the United States, it would be reasonable to make mention of the lack of political stability in their home countries. It follows from this that more and more Middle Eastern Americans are faced with an increasing demand for healthcare on a regular basis. As for Western health care practitioners, however, they continue to demonstrate a strong reluctance to bear in mind that mainstream life concept among Middle Easterners is greatly different from that in Western culture. In concrete terms, health care professionals in the U.S. do not pay enough attention to cultural specificities of Middle Eastern Americans; this in turn decreases the odds of Americans with ancestry and/or citizenship from the Middle East receiving high-quality care. As many bloggers report, American medicine can hardly be expected to recognize that Middle Easterners adhere to largely distinct cultural norms and values. Obviously, the U.S. is at the critical moment in history, the time when the nation needs to prove its ability to adequately respond to the specific needs of the Middle Eastern community.

Contemplating upon the relationship between Middle Easterners and U.S. health care providers, it can be said with certainty that the two parties fail to come to a better understanding of one another. Despite the fact that Middle Eastern immigrants highly command the U.S. healthcare as a whole, it is not an exaggeration to say that many health professionals with their disregard for Middle Eastern worldview create prerequisites for America becoming more polarized than ever. On a national scale, Western healthcare practitioners predispose themselves to not expand their insight into Middle Eastern culture poorly understood in America. While the prevailing majority of healthcare professionals do not look too hard for the ways to mitigate medicate problems of Middle Eastern immigrant population, the fact remains that sooner or later each of them would be confronted by Middle East patient. Sure enough, many healthcare providers usually mistakenly limit the culture of Middle Easterners to the mores of the population from the Arab region; they are nonetheless much more diverse in terms of culture, language, etc. On the whole, it is high time for America’s healthcare professionals to get a sense of the extent to which Middle Easterners differ from country to country. After a thorough consideration, one cannot but encounter the fact that the ignorance to unique cultural characteristics that each Middle Eastern country shares as a nation comes with its own set of risks; the focus here lies in arguing that it can only jeopardize the chances of America’s medicine creating a platform for delivering high-quality care to Middle Eastern patients. It is inevitable that immigration flows en route to the US from the Middle Eastern countries have greatly increased in recent years; therefore, America’s healthcare system needs to reconsider the attitude towards the negative consequences that inadequacy in meeting patient cultural needs may potentially bring in the not too distant future.

Against the background of healthcare disparities embedded in the U.S. healthcare system, one can assume that the integration of cultural negotiators would definitely make sense here. In brief, consulting services in America’s healthcare could make it possible for the medicine in general to circumvent challenges facing Middle Easterners in the healthcare settings. Significantly, these consultants need to be equipped with an in-depth bicultural knowledge, which in turn would give the chance to address the issues occurring in an unbiased manner. To be precise, cultural negotiators must exercise a moderator function when Middle Eastern patients and Western healthcare practitioners come into contact with each other. All in all, it is only after teaching oneself to accept others’ differences that the confrontation between Middle Eastern patients and the U.S. healthcare system can be stopped.

In sum, one cannot help but become aware that Middle Eastern immigrants often find themselves in trouble with no healthcare professional to give an adequate help. As per numerous suggestions, there is yet much to be done in the US in order to overcome disparities in healthcare system. In any way, it does not mean that both the authorities and the public must cease to act with a view to putting an end to this social phenomenon. Instead, both the Trump administration and the masses need to rally together in order to come up with the best ideas on how to eradicate the signs of cultural intolerance and ignorance within the United States.

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