
Helping Military Families

352 words | 2 page(s)

After the World War II, the Vietnam War, and other military conflicts it has become clear that military families need counseling to enhance their lives. The process of deployment, losses, and traumas affect each member of such family, resulting in stress, anxiety, and various kinds of abuse. Therefore, it is counselor’s duty to help these people cope with their problems and achieve better relationships.

Working with military families requires two most cherished Biblical virtues: patience and love. While helping military clients and their families, one needs to remind them about Christian principles which account for happy family life. In Christianity, husband and wife must love and respect each other, and they must do their best to raise their children as good individuals. This is what a counselor should aim to achieve with their clients.

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Regarding a tool to help a military family, many professionals suggest cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It is considered the most consistent and helpful in dealing with specific problems which may occur in such families (Hall, 2016). It may be beneficial for service members as well as their spouses (Laser & Stephens, 2011). Hall (2016) notes that a counselor should incorporate addressing clients’ religious and cultural background to increase the effectivity of breaking connections between thoughts and dysfunctional behavior. CBT encourages reflecting on fundamental questions of one’s life, helping a client adjusting to new circumstances. Some other techniques also are beneficial, such as anxiety management, relaxation techniques, exposure therapy, role playing, and anger management (Hall, 2016; Laser & Stephens, 2011). These methods help to analyze and question one’s dysfunctional cognitive patterns, changing the way a person perceives the situation and acts.

Overall, counseling military families should be guided by Biblical principles of patience, love, and family respect. CBT is among the most suitable tools to address these families’ specific needs. Through various techniques, a counselor helps to change individual’s attitude to the situation as well as problematic behavior.

  • Hall, L. K. (2016). Counseling military families: What mental health professionals need to know. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Laser, J. A., & Stephens, P. M. (2011). Working with military families through deployment and beyond. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39, 28-38.

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