
High School and College Teachers

463 words | 2 page(s)

My best high school teacher was not necessarily my favorite teacher. In fact, at the time, I really dreaded her class everyday because there was never a time from the start of the class until the dismissal bell that we were not working on something. It seemed that the class would often go on longer than any other. Each time we would start a new novel, she would give us a bit of time to read at the beginning of the class, and then we would discuss every aspect of the assigned reading. Before we would leave, she would give us a section to read before the following day and then each day we would continue our discussions. She loved the literature and it showed through her ability to stay focused. She also seemed to love engaging her students in the classroom. After that class ended for the year, I realized how much I had learned through this engagement.

In college, the professors seem to have different roles in the lives of the students. My favorite professor generally did not seem to press the issues of assignments. The tasks were handed out at the beginning of the semester and the due dates were listed accordingly. Class time was often free for questions or to work on these assignments. He was always present for discussions and would give adequate feedback on drafts that would allow for an improved grade on the assignments. The professor seemed to be genuinely interested in the goals and lives of the students and often engaged in conversations that were not directly related to the course. However, this attention to the students made him my favorite college professor while his focus on self motivation and attention to deadlines made him the best.

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The high school teacher was very strict and expected a certain amount of daily dedication to the course work whereas the college professor offered a more relaxed setting and allowed for a more self paced work load. The college professor, although he seemed to enjoy his relationship with his students, did not seem to have the same connection to the course subjects as the high school teacher seemed to have. However, the professor had a more direct connection to the students than the high school teacher was able to develop.

Both the teacher and the professor taught me a lot about literature and about my own learning style. They were both crucial in my ability to balance school and social life. Both were able to push me towards a higher education through their own teaching styles and allowed me to grow into a better learner. Finally, both the teacher and the professor seemed to love their jobs, their students, and the roles they played in the education system.

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