
History of Barbie – Speech Outline

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Thesis Statement: While Barbie has had a tumultuous and controversial history, its impact on culture and the retail world cannot be overstated.

Purpose Statement: This speech is designed to inform readers on the history of Barbie while inspiring in readers introspection on the subject of Barbie’s effect on culture.

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When you think about the most famous toys to ever hit stores, what toys do you think about? If you are a girl, then you have probably asked for a Barbie at some point or another. Barbie’s impact on the world has been substantial. Founded in 1959, Barbie immediately staked its place as one of the most popular and influential forces in the toy world. It has been going strong ever since, stirring up controversy and racking up sales. This speech will first detail Barbie’s basic history. It will then outline some of the challenges – legal and otherwise – faced by Barbie. Lastly, it will reflect on Barbie’s legacy in the past and moving forward.

Transition: Now, I will begin by discussing the basic history of Barbie.

Barbie Basic History

Barbie was first created in March of 1959 by a woman named Ruth Handler. According to some reports, Handler modeled the doll after a German version called Bild Lilli, which was very popular there.

Handler saw a gap in the marketplace, as young girls liked to portray their then-infant dolls in adult roles. She thought that it might make sense to create a doll that took adult form.

The name Barbie was adopted after Handler’s daughter Barbara, and the toy first made its debut at the International Toy Fair in 1959.

The first Barbie was available in both brunette and blonde versions. It was sold in a black and white bathing suit, and its form was conservative. During that first year of production, it sold more than 300,000 units.

Over time, Barbie has taken a more active form, as it was given a back story. This was important because Barbie was the first toy that featured a distinctly television-based advertising strategy.

Transition: Because of Barbie’s impressive run, the brand has been the subject of many criticisms and lawsuits.

Barbie, Criticism, and the Legal System
One can hardly look at the history of Barbie without dealing with lawsuits, of which there have been many. First, Barbie has been challenged by a number of different individuals because of perceived problems with what the doll represents.

Starting in the 1960s, Barbie was designed with a very small waist, and in some sets, it included a scale with a setting well below healthy body weight. Over time, criticisms have been leveled against this form, with opponents arguing that Barbie’s figure makes young women want to emulate the unhealthy style.

In the 1990s, Barbie altered its doll, making the hips and waist wide to satiate some of the critics. The company has tried over the years to make certain alterations to the doll. In one case, the company responded by giving the doll less distinct breasts in response to complaints by parents that the doll’s breasts were too prominent.

The company has looked to release Barbie dolls from different ethnicities. In some cases, the company has been criticized for its cultural insensitivity in producing certain dolls, including a Jewish version of the doll.

Barbie’s history has similarly been shaped by its own lawsuits against other companies. Many competitors have tried to take advantage of Barbie’s success. As a result, Barbie has sued companies making similar dolls and organizations using Barbie-like figures in their advertisements.

Transition: Barbie’s lawsuits have been a part of its legacy, but what is the overall legacy of the doll? I will now discuss the enduring legacy.

Enduring Legacy of Barbie
Barbie has been an intense retail success. While it is difficult to find exact statistics on the number of sales, many estimate that the Barbie franchise has been the most successful doll franchise in the world. In addition, its legacy must be understood by how it changed the toy-making world. Not only was it one of the first brands to use television marketing and an elaborate backstory for its toys, but it was one of the first to provide young girls with adult-like dolls.

Its commercial success must be weighed with the way in which Barbie has interplayed with culture. Barbie has been blamed for many things and credited for many others. First, it is blamed for body image problems among generations of young girls. There is an assumption that young girls will damage their bodies in an effort to look like Barbie. Likewise, some feel that Barbie has liberated young girls, allowing them the freedom to play with adult dolls in an effort to discover their true selves.

Whatever one’s perception may be, it is clear that Barbie has weighed heavy on culture.

Barbie has had a long history since it was originally started more than fifty years ago. During that time period, the company has seen its star growing, going from a small idea to one of the most impressive success stories in the history of retail. At the same time, it has changed the way toy companies market, and it has had an enduring effect on culture in America. The company has not been without its controversy, but ultimately, Barbie’s legacy must be balanced by all of its results.

  • Dittmar, H., Halliwell, E., & Ive, S. (2006). Does Barbie make girls want to be thin? The effect of experimental exposure to images of dolls on the body image of 5-to 8- year-old girls. Developmental psychology, 42(2), 283.

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