
How Cell and Vaccine Protect the Body from Diseases

908 words | 4 page(s)

The primary objective of the research is to provide an in-depth explanation regarding how cells and vaccine protect the body from diseases. The topic arouses my interest in a myriad of aspects including essential body cells and information pertaining the immune system and how vaccine curb virus.

The paper will begin by stating the research question followed by the literature review. The essay will then elaborate the methods and materials as well as the results and analysis of the topic. The research will then end by making a conclusion and new understanding.
I am firmly convinced that the research will aid me in answering the question.

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Research Question
How do cells and vaccine protect the body from diseases?

Literature Review
According to Humphrey, John, and Samuel (1), the immune system consists of three major components that include B cells, T cells and phagocytes. Humphrey, John, and Samuel (1) point out that once a virus enters into the body, the immune system responds by producing antibodies to curb the threat caused. Particularly, B cells and T cells are produced in the bone marrow and transported to thymus to grow and mature. As mentioned by Pappas (1), two types of T cells exits including killer and helper cells. The function of the killer T cells is to stimulate B cells to produces antibodies, destroy infections and to make the immune system to keep a memory of the virus to enable the body respond to similar infections in future. On the other hand, the T helper cells role is to manage differentiation of various types of cells in the immune system. Finally, Pappas (1) points out that phagocytes functions are to digest phagocytes and scavenge them so that they do not affect other body parts.

According to Humphrey, John, and Samuel (1), T and B cells can also be referred to as T and B lymphocytes respectively, and they are fundamental parts of the immune system. Other than capturing viruses and bacteria, lymphocytes also destroy any other materials that invade the body. According to Pappas (1), the lymphatic system, and particularly the lymph node, stimulates the production of white blood cells to fight all foreign materials that enter the body of an organism. As stated by Pappas (1), it is perplexing to note that vaccine is made from dead or weakened antigens. According to Humphrey, John, and Samuel (1), the role of vaccines is not to generate a condition or infections in the body but rather to stimulate the production of antibodies that will result in the weakening of antigens. Pappas (1), further states that the memory cells keep the message of infection so that it can adequately respond once it affects the body in future and respond swiftly as compared to the fast instance.
Methods and Materials
In an attempt to answer the question, I tried conducting an experiment known as “the petri dish experiment.” Nevertheless, I was perplexed to discover that the study would not bore any fruit since it embraces bacteria. Thus, I decided to respond to how flu vaccines are developed annually. It is essential to note that new vaccines are made each year since flu changes periodically through a phenomenon known as antigenic drift. In such a case, a virus replicates itself forcing its genes to alter every time replication occurs.

Once I conclude the study, I aim to enhance my comprehension of T cell, B cell and phagocytes. In addition to that, I will expand my knowledge regarding how vaccines work in the body to cure different diseases and conditions. Besides that, I am determined to learn and understand the role and importance of the lymphatic system to our bodies. Through the information, I will have the capacity to satisfactory respond to the questions, ‘how do cells protect the body from diseases?’ And ‘how do vaccine protect the body from diseases?’

Results and Analysis
Through the research project, it became apparently clear that vaccines and the immune system play a fundamental role in keeping different diseases that affect the body at bay. Furthermore, I realised that germs and illnesses become stronger every year making the body more susceptible. As a result, it becomes paramount that vaccines are developed annually to curb the threat posed by the strengthening of different germ and conditions. It is not surprising that the healthcare industry gives due attention to the development of vaccines to fight the ever-growing threats emanating from various diseases and germ growing stronger.

Particularly, it is the virus that enters the body of humans that is essential in the development of the new vaccines. For instance, the polio disease affects the body by causing paralysis making one unable to move from one place to another. Notably, body muscles become weaker making a person unable to facilitate body motion. Nevertheless, a vaccine embraces a dead or a weakened form of the virus which will thus not affect the body in any way.

Conclusions and New Understanding
As stated earlier, the immune system that comprises of phagocytes, T cells and B cells respond to the vaccines to protect the body. When the vaccine is introduced into the body, the immune system sees it as a threat and in turn responds by stimulating the production of antibodies. Once the antibodies are produced, they will view the vaccine virus as a real disease and act on it by destroying it. The information gotten in the research will play a significant role in solving and responding to the two questions adequately.

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