
How Refugee Migration Will Affect The United States

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Refugee crisis is a serious problem that world witnesses today. More specifically, in 2014 there were more than 14 million refugees worldwide (Capps et al, 2015), which seriously affected a number of countries, including the United States, and made them the policies concerning the issue. Currently in 2016, refugee migration is a major topic in the United States as Presidential candidates vie to win the votes of concerned Americans. Furthermore, the Syrian crisis has caused significant issues for the United States as it is determined whether it should allow thousands of Syrians to seek refuge across its borders and provide a safe foundation for future development. Government and how it plans to manage a huge influx of migrants, many of whom have little prospects or qualifications to work and provide a contribution to the American economy (Chumley, 2015).

This paper will be subsequently discuss the specific challenge that current refugee migration issues are posing for the United States as well as why this issue is significant to the U.S on a number of levels and also the consequences if this crisis is handled successfully and also if it is handled poorly.

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The specific challenge for the United States is the development of legislation that can fairly allow refugees to settle within its borders but at minimal cost to the government and the welfare of millions of Americans who have already earnt the right to live and work. This is significant as poorly constructed or developed legislation can result in a number of ramifications such as continued illegal border crossings and higher unemployment rates and therefore greater pressure on the American welfare system (The Economist, 2014). Overcrowding and high unemployment rates can potentially be catastrophic for the American government. There are also millions of Americans who are already on the national federal welfare system and who could also be compromised by soft refugee migration legislation.

This continuing refugee immigration issue is important to a number of American agencies and bodies including the U.S Government, citizens as well as other nations closely aligned with the United States. With regards to the U.S Government, it needs to be able to adequately manage the constant influx of refugee immigrants coming into the country. Refugee immigrants who cross the borders illegally cause significant issues for the medical, educational and welfare departments of America as they battle to use their resources to look after non-U.S citizens (The Economist, 2014). The administration required to manage and protect American from illegal refugee immigrants is insurmountable and the settlement of their relatives and new borns causes further problems in large overcrowded cities and states such as California and New York. It is also important to U.S citizens as many of their basic rights such as affordable medical services are being compromised by overcrowding caused by the large influx of immigrants from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and other nations. Due to certain immigration laws, particular tyoes of refugees are allowed to legally settle in the United States and this places further pressure on citizens to accommodate them whether through resources in local communities or at schools or in hospitals, normally established to accommodate the needs and requirements of U.S citizens and legal permanent residents only (Bloomberg, 2015).

Other bodies that are influenced by refugee immigration include those concerned with international trade and relations. The majority of America’s economy relies on others and international relations. These requirements can become compromised if America chooses a hardened stance against the lawful admission of immigrants on an annual or day-to-day basis. Some nations may become discouraged in further liaising with the United States on an economic level and this can further downgrade the prosperity of the American economy and also its ability to provide for its respective constituents (Chumley, 2015). This can then have a flow on effect to other economies and markets that rely so heavily on the American economy overall.

There are a number of ramifications if the U.S fails to adequately handle increasing refugee immigration rates. The first ramification is compromises to the U.S welfare system and the provision of resources to the American population. There may potentially be increasing debt and lower allowances to Americans who require welfare and also basic services such as medical care and education (Fair, 2016). Schools may become overcrowded and also hospitals with conditions associated with illegal refugee immigrants and others who have not gained the right to free healthcare or other American services. For example, there are many illegal refugee immigrants who cross the border and then have children to support their claims to naturalization and the provision of welfare to supplement these additional children. This places a further toll on welfare systems and hospitals, primarily established for American populations only.

The spread of disease and known conditions can also be worsened by the mishandling of refugee immigrants coming into the United States (Chumley, 2015). With increasing numbers of immigrants, there comes a higher likelihood that new diseases might be introduced in the United States. This is of particular concern if these refugee immigrants have not been medically screened and have crossed the border without inspection. Many immigrants from war torn nations such as Syria or Somalia require extensive healthcare services that the United States simply can’t afford. Despite the many opportunities provided by the American economy and overall system, it can not handle overcrowding in large cities and more cases of disease from foreign nations with more severe consequences for American citizens in general (The Economist, 2014).

There can also be some ramifications for American citizens. They may be subjected to higher crime rates as immigrants battle to make a living in large cities and are not willing to adhere to local and federal laws. Higher unemployment rates will indefinitely result from failed immigration legislation and mishandling of current immigration rates. Higher unemployment rates jeopardize the incomes of middle class Americans who are undeserving of poorer conditions caused by illegal immigrants and those that have cheated the system (The Economist, 2014). It is important to note, however, that this problem can be potentially avoided in case refugees are given the opportunity to sustain a normal lifestyle. Therefore, certain actions on the part of the government that will guarantee refugee involvement in the labor market can potentially solve the problem of high rates of crime. It is also important to understand that refugees usually come from countries such as Afghanistan, Syria or Somalia that are different from the United States on the cultural level. Not surprisingly, this creates certain problems with refugee social integration. It is argued that one of the most important problems that refugees face is the language barrier (Capps et al, 2015), which might lead to even more serious problems, such as unemployment.

There are a number of positive consequences if the U.S handles the immigration system successfully. The first is that these immigrants are able to actively work and provide a worthwhile contribution to the general American economy. Many refugee immigrants are able to positively contribute towards the American economy and should not be compromised as a result of others who choose to cheat the system. Not only can refugee potentially contribute to local economies through the paying of sales taxes, by giving them an avenue to obtaining citizenship the country retains their economic contributions and is able to benefit from their taxable contributions. Other nations may also be impressed by America’s successful refugee immigration policies and its ability to successfully manage the highest immigration rates of all nations worldwide (Fair, 2016).

America’s culture may also be improved by successful policies and the overall ability to properly assimilate individuals into the America way of thinking and living. Through more thorough citizen tests and efficient processes for immigrants deserving of the right to live and work in the United States, society can subsequently be improved as a result and also be provided with the ability to prosper and develop further (Bloomberg, 2015). Refugee immigrants can provide skilled labor from overseas and decrease unemployment rates if properly managed on a federal level. As noted above, refugee immigrants usually come from countries with the cultural heritage that is very different from the one in the United States. Refugee immigrant can thus enrich American culture that is already often referred to as the ‘melting pot’, with new cultural elements and thus make a contribution to the development of cultural diversity and cultural relativism.

In summary, immigration is one of the largest issues for the United States in the 21st century. Many refugees have a great deal of potential and deserve the basic human right of their lives to be protected, which others argue is also an issue of social justice and civil rights. Therefore, in other words, the United States should ensure that refugees living in the United States have equitable access to labor marker and education, which they deserve as a basic right. By depriving these individuals access to social, cultural or economic capitals of the country, their potential as individuals and their potential to contribute to the excellence of this country’s educational system are cut off. Their human, civil right to an education is cut off. Social justice is not served. As noted above, refugee crisis might also negatively affect the United States. However, the goal is not to decrease the rates of refugee migration in the country, but to develop policies that concentrate on successful refugee integration and thus minimize the potential harm.

  • Bloomberg. (2015). The Americas’ Immigration Problem. Bloomberg View, Accessed on
  • Capps, R., Newland, K., Fratzke, S., Groves, S., Auclair, G., Fix, M., & McHugh, M. (2015). Integrating refugees in the United States: The successes and challenges of resettlement in a Global Context.’Statistical Journal Of The IAOS,’31(3), 341-367.’30th March, 2016.Accessed on 30th March, 2016.
  • Chumley, C. (2015). 92% of Americans: Immigration Problem for U.S. WND, Retrieved from
  • Fair. (2016). Immigration Issues. FAIR, Retrieved from http://www.fairus.org/issues Accessed on
  • The Economist. (2014). The Economist Explains. The Economist, Accessed on 30th March, 2016.

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