
Implementing The Canadian Triage And Acuity Scale In The Emergency Department

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Different leadership models about the management of organizations try to show how things should be done by the leaders in the management levels. Among the models include John Kotter’s model, Senior and Shailer models and HSE 2008 Model. These models have given an insight of how organization should be done in the management set up for a firm. They are geared towards making the leadership streamlined towards deriving policies that assures all the stakeholders of the organizations that its value will increase in the long run (Stiles, Ryan& Golightly, 2018). They also emphasize on making things clear about the structures of leadership in the organization for the benefit of the management.

Critiques of the models
John Kotter as an American leader developed a model that advocated for change in the organizational leadership to guarantee some form of practicality (Salman& Broten, 2017).  The model is based on the fact that leaders have the full responsibility of making things work in the organization by having some strategies that guarantee some form of impact in the long run. His model was not fully implemented in the organizational leadership structure. Only a few elements were chosen from it and implemented. Something that proved the models inefficiency (Veling, et al., 2018).

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To begin with, his belief that employers don’t need to experience change as something positive was misplaced and out of order. The human resources are the drivers of the organizations breakthrough in the matters of making it better (Das, 2019). They are interested in the strategies that make their welfare better as they work towards the set goals and objectives. In this regard, they need a mix of leadership strategies that to some extent make them feel a source of value and ownership in the long run (Burden, 2016).

The Senor and Swailer model on the other hand has made very key emphasis on a responsibility based leadership which make things work in the organization in question (Gil, et al,2018). This form of motive distinguishes managers and leaders in a firm as way of making it clear on who should perform a specific role and the rationale of the selection (Anderson, 2017). The model is critical in making the performance of any organization to be geared on who does a specific role perfectly. The modeler believes that when roles are given to the right people, it is very easy for things to be done in an organized manner (Thompson et al, .2018). This is because order is very important in an organization for the success of the floor of activities.

However, the models fall short of some realities that organizations experience in the process of their operations. To begin with, everyone in any organization is supposed to have some leadership attributes that shows some responsibility in all the duties. This is a good way of making the people have a sense of ownership as far as their duties are concerned (Berg, 2018).  Making the people in the organization act as leaders makes work easier because the organization will develop much trust in them. This form of trust is so important since it is the engine making people become responsible (Arendt& Suarez, 2018).Again, people are likely to be more accountable to their activities because they know that they will be liable for the outcome (Situmorang, & Japutra, 2019). This model should therefore make all the workers in the organization be aware of their position as leaders for the smooth floor of all activities (Al Hashmi, 2017).  It should also have a way of empowering all departmental human resource for the efficiency of activities.

The HSE 2008 model factors in the value that the clients have to the organization. It has a way of making the customers and the clients have a feeling of fulfillment due to the value attached to them. The organization develops strategies to make sure clients are contented. This is done by making the staff competent and comfortable in dispensing their duties (Arendt& Suarez, 2018). The management is concerned on making the employees welfare the best to make them serve the clients better. It’s preferable where the business values its future.

The HSE 2008 model change management resources. As a model it makes workers in all departments understand their position regarding being impactful in an organization. This happens through making the happiness of the staff, the customers and the communities around any organization a priority. The flow of activities in the departmental levels is to make sure the outcome of the operations favors the customer interest at all times. This is important since the clients are the first priority in the organizational objective. Their satisfaction should be a priority if things have to take the right turn.

The models however don’t take into account the environment in which the workers must make these services available to the clients. It is more of the end of the process than the way in which the process should be made effective. This approach also doesn’t take into account the way of solving challenges that face the staff. It is principally good for the model to be efficient in providing a way of making the best environment for the providers of the services as they fulfill their mandate. This is likely to make things good for all the spheres of influence in the long run.

Part two
Rationale for model selection
Kotter’s model emphasizes that the leadership responsibility in any organization is to come up with policies that mean well to the organization. It is a model that is procedural. Kotter’s model also offers step by step clear descriptions and guidelines on the entire changing process. This has made it one of the easiest models for implementation. Kotter also in his model emphasized a lot on the involvement and acceptability of the employees as it will help the whole process to be successful. Kotter has also paid a lot of attention preparation and acceptability building for change instead of initiating change as the real and actual process (Das, 2019).

On the other hand, the senior and Swailers model makes all the decision making processes to be approved by the leaders in the management position. Although this is good mainly in the critical matters that affect the main operations of an organization ( Beddoes-Jones & Swailes, 2015) This model doesn’t take into account the decisions of the junior staff that might be having very instrumental ideas concerning the improvement of the organization. This may make the organization to lack strategies on improving the welfare of all employees (Burden,2016) . The reason is their main focus is on the senior positions.

The HSE 2008 model is preferable because of so many reasons apart from the two models. It is considered to pay particular attention to the people as well as cultural aspect. HSE 2008 model ensures that the needs of the local people and service consumers with their interests and the staff are the foundation of the change process (Thompson, Johnstone & Banks, 2018) ). The manner of approach of the whole system should be by building of integration, targeting link formation and relationships to the different parts of the system. HSE 2008 model is able to encourage collaboration between different parties such as unions, national and local areas and the local society as well (Situmorang & Japutra, 2019)

HSE 2008 model also enhances participation of customers together with the staff members in process change. Team work and partnership is also emphasized (Salman & Broten 2017). HSE 2008 is also a model that focuses on improved organizational effectiveness and prioritizing on long term sustainable changes. System equipment with skills and knowledge is availed to enable its transfer to manage the changing process.

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  • Arendt, S., & Suarez, O. (2018, April). What to Do if HSE Performance Flattens Out? Resuming Your Drive to Zero. In SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
  • Beddoes-Jones, F., & Swailes, S. (2015). Authentic leadership: Development of a new three pillar model. Strategic HR Review, 14(3), 94-99.
  • Berg, S. M. (2018). Dialogue and effectiveness (Master’s thesis, University of Stavanger, Norway).
  • Burden, M. (2016). Using a change model to reduce the risk of surgical site infection. British Journal of Nursing, 25(17), 949-955.
  • Das, V. (2019). Comparative Study of Kotter’s and Hiatt’s (ADKAR) Change Models. Journal of Leadership and Management, 1(15).
  • Gil, A. J., Rodrigo-Moya, B., & Morcillo-Bellido, J. (2018). The effect of leadership in the development of innovation capacity: A learning organization perspective. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(6), 694-711.
  • Situmorang, R., & Japutra, A. (2019). Foreign versus local managers: Finding the perfect leaders for multinational hotel subsidiaries. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 78, 68-77.

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