
Integrated Marketing Communications

354 words | 2 page(s)

Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is a marketing strategy that plans for each touch point to reach its target market in a positive manner. There are four touch points, and each has level of control available to the company or product. The four touch points are company-created, intrinsic, unexpected, and customer-initiated. This paper will focus on the touch point perspective used by a local sports bar, Buddy’s.

The touch point that Buddy’s has most control over and uses the most is the company-created touchpoint(s). This is purpose of advertising is targeting the business workers in the area. Buddy’s is located in a business area, and their advertising has always focused on men and women in attire they would wear after work, which means their suit jackets are off, sleeves are rolled, and they are enjoying relaxing time after work.

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The second-most control Buddy has over its IMC is in its intrinsic touch points. The waiters and waitresses are trained to be pleasant but allowing privacy, available but not uncomfortably close. Buddy’s is a sports bar, and it features all major sports with local games or significant games shown on the primary largest televisions.

Every company loses some control in its unexpected touch points, for example, word-of-mouth comments that are spread after a consumer’s experience. In this respect, Buddy’s keeps a good reputation in town and avoids any actions that could cause negative words in the friendly community. They also work with their intrinsic touch points to make sure its unexpected touch points are positive.

Lastly, customer-initiated touch points are where Buddy’s regains some marketing control. Its customer-initiated touch points mainly surround reservation. In order to serve its large but variable customer base, Buddy’s has two large rooms that can be opened by adjustable walls to easily integrate more room in the event of large parties.

Overall, Buddy’s IMC is effective and focuses on removing items in typical sports bar that may be less desired after work. However, its touch points focus on its image, and Buddy’s works to make sure that even its image outside of the sports bar is positive to the community.

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