
Is The American Dream Real Or Just A Myth?

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The American dream has been a wish for many but has come to fruition to some. America has been viewed by its citizens as the land of opportunity and is viewed as the best for human creatures in the world. There are perpetuated ideas in that it is a land where there opportunity for freedom, financial advancement and social advancement together with security. The American Dream stands for the land of opportunity where everyone is given a chance to attain something according to their ability.

The American Dream is the unique identification that parts the United States from the other parts of the world. Once the slogan was adopted, it gave all citizens similar opportunities which they had to exploit to achieve their dreams. The American dream has been debated by many with people like King analyzing whether it is alive, dead or it is still on hold and whether its definition may be changing. The essay will try to find out whether the American dream is real or just a myth. It will borrow heavily from Brandon King’s article. Brandon King clearly feels the definition of the American Dream has changed and this new definition keeps the American Dream alive.

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Brandon King tends to think that the American Dream is still alive and that it has changed, or it’s changing its due meaning as a result of the hard economic times faced by the country. He defines it as the potential ability to work for an honest and secure way of life in which people are forced by circumstances to save for the future (King 573). King believes that people are contented to live a middle class lifestyle so long as they have a stable job. According to King, the American Dream is still alive and has just been changing its meaning as a result of the economic challenges. In the commentary’ The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on hold?’In the volume ‘They Say I say ,King talks about the facts that the recessions have gone downhill and that, planning and saving, for the future together with the government enacting sustainable policies of economic growth are what will take to keep the American Dream alive (Brandon 578).

The author is yet to develop his own credibility and that’s why he uses logos to attain credibility and rove his intellect. He has used previous studies and statistics in an appropriate manner and with some vigor, which makes the article and his arguments strong and convincing. He explains his view about the American Dream topic and how people who support the Dream view it. He also states how those who do not believe in the Dream view it and goes on to explain why he agrees or disagrees with them using their logic behind the American Dream.

In the article, King uses logos and ethos as he analyses the American Dream’s background. He quotes James Truslow the man who is remembered for coming up with the phrase ‘American Dream’ during the 1930 great depression. Truslow defines it as “that Dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with an opportunity for each according to their ability and achievement, regardless of social class or place of birth ” (King 574). In the article, he addresses the views of activists and economists who regard themselves as liberals and think that the American Dream is dead. He discredits them using a survey done by the New York Times in 2009 in which it found that more than 70% of Americans believed in the possibility of starting poorly and working hard to become rich in America (King 573). He also uses the housing statistics to discredit the economists in which they showed more people prefer renting as compared to owning a house.

King mainly compares what people think the American Dream is in which they think the American Dream is to own expensive homes and cars and accumulate wealth. He argues that people ought to be motivated to have a clear wide picture of the American Dream in which saving for the future is the norm. This idea may backfire since people may realize that renting a house is expensive as compared to buying one if the mortgage rates are lowered. People should be encouraged to save and won a home so King there is wrong by supporting those statistics. The people in the statistics may not be able to buy homes and should be encouraged to save and own a home since it is everyone’s dream to own a home.

Let’s say that the American Dream is a long term gradual change that will help the community, economy and well-being of individuals across the board. The goal of this Dream is that the country as a whole must work together so that it can achieve the desired results. The American Dream has been a powerful mechanization to success; it has been functioning as a shared ground for a long time binding people together who may have otherwise little in. I have been having a doubt about the American Dream but after reading the article, I’m beginning to see some sense in it. Security is beginning to be addressed, and the government is enacting policies which help its citizens and saving are being advocated everywhere.

People are contented with having average lifestyles and happy that they are able to make ends meet. The topic American Dream should be well understood before one criticizes or praise going by the author’s article. The economic challenges should be a good lesson as to why we should keep the American Dream alive by planning and saving for the future. People ought not to be driven by monetary things but ought to be driven striving to live a good life. The question where is the American Dream standing now and why is well answered in the article.
After reading the article, I just asked myself what I want in life and my answer was to have a good life where I can afford the basics and save for my retirement. With all this I can say that the American dream is a reality and is alive only that the meaning may change with time.

  • King, Brandon. “The American Dream: Dead, Alive, or on hold?” They Say/I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing: With Readings. New York: W.W. Norton &2009. Print

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