
Japan Emerging

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Japan is ranked among the countries with rich history drawn from its natural settings. The natural setting of Japan has proven difficult to understand due to the mixture of mountains and the emergence of costal plains in the region. An outward view of Japan of Japan has left many wondering whether mountains are the dominants features in a country considered among the most developed and industrious. I will argue on the natural setting of Japan and its significance to the current and past development of this important country. Japanese natural setting attached its land mass and ocean. As the much the ocean and the land mass portrayed totally different features, it is from the movement involvement between the two that a number of natural features like mountains, valleys, short rivers and coastal plains in Japan came to existence. It is therefore imperative to recognize the fact that the land mass and the ocean are the major players towards the shaping of Japanese natural setting.

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Japan Natural Setting
The natural sett up of Japan is one which has created room for more studies to help people understand the setting of this important country within the global. An entry into Japan through Narita or Kansai has left many wondering of the existence of mountains as the dominant natural features in Japan. However, a keen study of Japan’s set up reveal the existence of large of mountains both small and big whose formation can be traced back to the rich history held by the country. Japan enjoys strategically positioned mountains which have offered the country an opportunity to develop both in the past and current. In order to reveal the nature or Japan setting many have resorted to satellite photos thus providing the much needed clear view of Japan. The satellite photos have revealed or exposed an archipelago of steep, big and well covered mountains and valleys across the countries main Islands which are four in numbers. The existence of big mountains and valleys on the countries four main Islands is a clear indication of diverse country in terms natural setting or set up. The diversity in Japan’s natural setting has been one of the major scores towards the countries development in terms to energy and technological advancement. While other republics in the region besides other parts of the world struggle to find raised grounds both on dry lands and Islands, Japan enjoys good number of mountains from its ancient times leading to smooth establishment of various projects which require such higher grounds for development.

The Japanese history indicates that the Japanese mass was flat when it detached from the Eurasian continent 15 million years. This is a clear indication of a country or landmass which has under gone massive evolution in terms of shaping and creation of important features. As much the shift from a flat land mass to a country dominated by mountains might sound like a miracle, the history of Japan fully believes in the countries development from a flat development to a country dominated by mountains and valleys. The population both current and past have tried to help the coming generation get important information towards understanding the development and shaping of the countries natural set up. Based on the historical information provided, the current mountains dominating Japanese environment are products of tectonic stress. Based on this, it is clear that tectonic history played some important role towards the formation of these important Japanese natural features. According to the important mountain formation history, this took place as the archipelago was placed at the brink of the continental Eurasian plate fronting two offshore oceanic plates. The two important oceanic plates included the pacific plate in the north besides the Philippine plate in the south west of the ocean. The plates from an out look took strategic positions suggesting the wide coverage or extension currently enjoyed by the Japanese map. The existence of the oceanic and continental plates created a movement in the opposite directions of west. This led to buckle and uplift folding into the first Japanese mountains. The formation of mountains as important features in Japan involved massive natural happenings of the land and ocean thus opening up more ground for buckles and uplifts folding into more mountains.

The folding mountains did remain same. However, the flat Japanese land mass continued its rise thus making the mountain become higher and higher. The rising of mountains in Japan resulted into what is labelled as one of the highest erosions in the world thus serving Japan with another rich history related to its natural setting formation and shaping. The erosion involve in Japans mountains formation or creation is termed great due the rate, it is important to note that Japanese recognizes the fact that the erosion was fast and massive thus leading to a faster rise to the flat land mass of Japan. The erosion also led to the creation of short rivers dumping the water or content in to the sea. Most of the short rivers can trace the formation to the backbones of the main Japanese Islands.

A combination of the Japanese land mass and the ocean played a major role towards the formation of many natural features or settings enjoyed in the country. The continued pull in opposite direction between the oceanic and continental plates explains why Japan as country experienced and still experience heavy volcanoes and earthquakes. Japan’s natural setting carries vital information towards the development and management of various factors in Japan hence the need to learn and recognize important history of the setting.

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