
Job Search Management

318 words | 2 page(s)

Job search in the contemporary society requires the job seeker to utilize some of tools. The tools are instrumental in enhancing the job search. Majority of corporates and other organizations have established a strong social network foundation, as such; a person should participate actively in social networks. Job apps are available for smartphone users; the apps are specially designed to facilitate job search and application. Job seekers can also create business cards. The business cards are essential, especially for the networking events. An individual can build an online portfolio or start a blog that describes an individual career objective, accomplishment, and expertise.

In job seeking, organizations and support systems play a significant role in expediting the process. LinkedIn is an organization that is renowned for assisting job seekers in finding jobs. People create profiles detailing their academic and professional backgrounds. The employers can peruse through the website and pick a favorable candidate who meets the criteria for the specified vacancy. PayScale and Glassdoor are other organizations in the digital platform that enhances the job search. These organizations have an advanced online platform with necessary tools for job seekers. Additionally, the organizations provide consultation services to the subscribers.

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Organizing and managing job search in the current times is influenced by the technology. Application programmers have developed apps that are useful in managing and organizing a job search. Examples of the apps include the mobile version of websites such as “indeed.com” and “careershift.” Additionally, Microsoft office packages such as Word and Excel can be used to manage and organize a job search.

As much as people are more inclined to online job searching, it is critical to balance the search with an in-person job application. The strategic approach to strike off balance entails organizing a job specification mechanism. The strategy will ensure that some jobs are applied using the online platform while others are implemented using the in-person method.

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