
John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft

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John Locke and Mary Wollstonecraft were both advocates for human rights. Both philosophers attempted to express their views and get others to understand their views by writing philosophical treatises. John Locke embraced the theme of equality and the need to separate church and state. Wollstonecraft focused on women’s rights and was radical in her protest against the traditional model of the weak frail woman, (Tomaselli). This essay will first turn to John Locke, and then to Mary Wollstonecraft.

John Locke wrote An Essay Concerning Human Understanding in 1689, and his A Letter Concerning Toleration, in 1689. The political and social times were tumultuous, under the Puritan dictatorship of Cromwell. The notions of absolutism and of the savage world were being written by Thomas Hobbes, and John Locke was influenced by Hobbes’ account of the manner of human nature. Locke disagreed that education was for submission to authority, but rather was for freedom. There had been a civil war and there had been the hanging of Charles I. The overall understanding of human rights was moot. John Locke sought to defend human rights and overcome the puritanical unexamined understanding of both human nature and human rights.

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John Locke’s efforts were substantially productive and his philosophies formed the backbone for the Revolution: “They [Locke’s writings] inspired millions as they sounded the battle cry that people everywhere are born with equal rights to life, liberty, and property. They stood on the shoulders of John Locke.” (Powell). This is the case, even with the Unites States’ Constitution. Thomas Jefferson is often credited with the separation of church and state, however, this philosophy is one that is founded on John Locke: “This philosophy is in fact the basis for modern democracy and a cornerstone of the American constitution. The term ‘separation of Church and State’ was coined by Thomas Jefferson, who was greatly influenced by Locke’s writings.” (Broers). Therefore, the theme that Locke asserted about human rights was that there could be no rights without equality, and no equality with the influence of church over state.

Mary Wollstonecraft was perhaps one of the first feminists, and she was influenced by the French Revolution. The French Revolution was producing new art, new ideas and enlightenment. She used her platform as a writer and philosopher, much like Locke, to persuade people about her views. “In 1792, she published her Vindication on the Rights of Woman, an important work which, advocating equality of the sexes, and the main doctrines of the later women’s movement, made her both famous and infamous in her own time.” (Kreis). Wollstonecraft’s family life may have been the catalyst for her avid feminism; she witnessed her father demean her mother into a helpless woman, (Kreis).

Wollstonecraft was successful in her attempts to persuade others of the rights of women, it just did not happen as immediately as it should have: “She was truly a child of the French Revolution…Mary undertook the task of helping women to achieve a better life…for themselves, for their children…for their husbands. Of course, it took more than a century before society began to put her views into effect.” (Kreiss).

Mary Wollstonecraft gave birth to her daughter who continued the legacy of the strong female Wollstonecraft. Her daughter wrote Frankenstein, a novel that to this day is considered to be one of the finest pieces of literature regarding the nature of mankind.

Both Locke and Wollstonecraft successfully contributed to their respective movements regarding human rights, equality and women’s rights, through their use of the pen. They support the claim that the pen is mightier than the sword.

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