
Knowledge of Relevant Legislation and Guidances

603 words | 3 page(s)

It is no secret that working with children with disabilities, especially those who are autistic, pose a special set of problems and circumstances for any child care provider. To this end, there are several necessary rules and regulations that an individual working in the UK must be aware of in order to attain a job working with these unique children, among them are the Children’s Act of 1989, amended in 2004; the Care Standards Act of 2000; the Childrens Homes (Wales) Regulations of 2002, and the Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools of 2003.

The Minimum Standards for Residential Special Schools Act of 2003 details the standards that must be met by residential care schools for children with special needs; these standards do not supersede the other requirements that must be met for educational compliance, but rather must be met in addition to those standards if the residential school is to care for special needs children as well. Among the requirements of the act are the statements of principles and practices that must be fulfilled, the induction, transition, and individual support that must be provided, the health and wellbeing requirements, the necessary contact with parents, the accommodations provided, the safety of the children, necessary safety drills, the preparation of food and drink, how personal possessions are treated, the activities undertaken by the children, the level of protection for the children, placement, the need to address behavioral concerns, staff recruitment and training, and equal opportunity, to name a few.

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The Children’s Homes (Wales) Regulations of 2002 state that the owner of the children’s home must be deemed fit in order to do so, that they must be of suitable character and integrity, that they are mentally fit, and that they have all of their appropriate documentation in order.

The Care Standards Act of 2000 works to reform the regulatory system associated with the care services provided in England and Wales, including, but not limited to children’s homes, working to impact the quality of care offered, and allowing for ease of regulation and inspection of care provided.

The Children Act of 1989, amended in 2004, was introduced in the effort to reform and clarify all existing laws affecting child care, giving all children the right to protection from abuse and exploitation and the right to the safeguarding of their welfare and the investigation thereof. The sole and primary focus of the act is that the welfare of the child is more important than anything else. There are several key principles of the Act: first, that the best place for the child to be looked after is within their own home; second, that the welfare of the child is the most important; third, that parents should continue to remain involved with their children regardless of whether or not there are any legal proceedings occurring; fourth, that the welfare of the child should be promoted by the family and the local authorities; fifth, that children should not be removed from their families unless there is no other option; and sixth, that the child’s needs must be taken into account.

  • Ask.com. 2013. What Is the Purpose of the Care Standards Act 2000. [online] Available at: http://www.ask.com/question/what-is-the-purpose-of-the-care-standards-act-2000 [Accessed: 11 Dec 2013].
  • Evans, M. 2013. Policy guide: Children Act 1989 Amended 2004 | Nursery World. [online] Available at: http://www.nurseryworld.co.uk/nursery-world/other/1106618/policy-guide-children-act-1989-amended-2004 [Accessed: 11 Dec 2013].
  • Gov.uk. 2012. Residential special schools: national minimum standards – Publications – GOV.UK. [online] Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/residential-special-schools-national-minimum-standards [Accessed: 11 Dec 2013].
  • Legislation.gov.uk. 2013. The Children’s Homes (Wales) Regulations 2002. [online] Available at: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/wsi/2002/327/regulation/6/made [Accessed: 11 Dec 2013].

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