
Labor Law and Employment Law

506 words | 2 page(s)

The NLRA Act

This labor law was enacted for the sole objective of considering the legal rights of workers especially in the formation of labor unions that aid in establishing collective bargains for employees (Gold, 2014). The act, therefore, prohibits employers from establishing unlawful labor practices such as the firing of employees or discrimination as well as other unethical work processes that are unethical to the working codes of the unions.

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FMLA Act of 1993
This is a federal employment law that provides employees with 12 weeks of unpaid work leave every year with no insecurities of job loss, denoting the need for employers to additionally cover their employees’ health benefits within the work environment, thus pointing to the implications of this law on the health of employees (Guerin & Barreiro, 2016).

3. The Norris-LaGuardia Act
The rationale for this labor law remains in putting to stop instances of anti-labor injunctions that forbid workers from engaging in pickets or strikes (Gold, 2014). This law is therefore established to protect the liberties of workers that may be infringed by employers.

4. The FLSA Act
FLSA is a labor law that establishes and institutes the minimum wages, overtime, and child labor standards that are considered to affect both the full and half-time employees within the private sectors in the U.S, efforts driven towards protecting the rights and liberties of employees (Gold, 2014).

5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
This comprehensive employment legislation is established to end the aspect of discrimination within work environments that are based on color, race, national origin, sex or even religion (Guerin & Barreiro, 2016). The law, therefore, bedevils the element of discrimination and employee segregation in different places such as in public places, work environments and so on.

6. The LMRA Act of 1947
This labor law was established for the sole objective if protecting the interests and rights of employees, allowing them to have the right to join and engage in the formation of unions that bargain on their behalf collectively (Gold, 2014). This law, therefore, allows employees to make their contributions through the engagement in concerted activities to aid in the protection of their rights.

7. The LMRA Act of 1959
Known to many as Landrum-Griffin Act, LMRA is an employment law that was established with the intent of regulating the manner in which unions conduct their activities and relate with employers by reporting and disclosing financial transactions as well as administrative procedures employed by employers and labor unions, efforts aimed at preventing abuses and to enhance standards that respect the rights of employees (Gold, 2014).

8. The OSHA Rehabilitation Act of 1973 
This employment act was established to ensure that serine working conditions and situations for employees in organizations, authorizing and regulating the enforcement of standards as evident in the Act hence assisting states as well as organizations in ensuring that working conditions meet the required standards (Guerin & Barreiro, 2016). This legislation is therefore driven towards ensuring that work environments are healthy to accommodate employees.

  • Gold, M. E. (2014). An Introduction to Labor Law. Ithaca: ILR Press.
  • Guerin, L., & Barreiro, S. (2016). Essential Guide to Federal Employment Laws. Berkeley, CA: NOLO.

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