
Latino Education Advocacy Days

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The Latino Education Advocacy Days (LEAD) met this week for its fourth annual conference. This conference exists to promote awareness of the problems related to Latino education. Teachers, politicians, media representatives, physicians and activists from this group gathered to share issues concerning education and their impact on the Latino community. This conference was so informative and when it was finished, I felt like I had learned so much about the struggles of Latino Americans in a society that very often discriminates against them.

This year a part of the conference focused on “Dora the Explorer”, a bilingual television show that is very popular with all children in the United States. This program has allowed for a link within the English and Spanish speaking communities that previously was nonexistent. Integrating English and Spanish in the same cartoon was an ingenious idea. Without even knowing it, children all over the country are learning English or Spanish as their second language, which has greatly promoted the integration of the two cultures. With much discrimination and opposition of the United States towards Hispanic Americans in many cases, this is the first step to improving relations and education between these groups. This television show is even going to integrate Portuguese in their programming in the future, which will even heighten the mix of cultures in this country.

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For so many years, offspring of Latinos who came to the United States to better their lives and their children’s lives have been seen by many Americans to drain the resources of citizens. Unfortunately this terrible discrimination has impacted Hispanic Americans very negatively. Education has suffered because of this issue. In the discussions I heard in this conference, I realized how this has really caused this community to become stronger against the adversity they had faced. They have become more organized, powerful and unified to fight for the education of their children. I see this as the most important thing I got from this conference, the respect I have for all those who were treated unfairly because they have turned adversity into success without letting it affect them in a negative manner. Many cultures want to act violently against discrimination, but this culture used it as fuel for their fire, which will grow much as the Latino population will continue to do in the United States.

  • “Latino Education Advocacy Days.” California (Conference). LEAD Organization. 27 Mar. 2013.

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