
Latinos in American Government

599 words | 2 page(s)

I. What is the purpose of your research project?
Over the last 137 years, Hispanics are having a profound impact on the American government. This is occurring in the way various policies are enforced and new laws are created. Their inclusion has resulted in society embracing attitudes of tolerance and understanding. These shifts, are illustrating how they are influencing government officials by incorporating their voice as a part of the process. (Patrick, 2004)

II. What is the issue you hope to explain?
The hypothesis is that Latinos are having a positive effect on the American government through illustrating what issues are important to this segment. Their opinions have shaped the creation of civil rights legislation, how different laws are enforced and the way new policies are applied. This has encouraged society to change their attitudes about Hispanics and what they contribute to America. (Patrick, 2004)

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The different sources of literature are showing how Latinos have made a significant impact inside the US government. According to Patrick (2004), this started in 1877, when Romualdo Pacheco opened the door for this demographic. The result is that more individuals became involved in political activism. As they fought for causes they believed in, to address various social injustices directed at their community. The result is that they were accepted into society and became part of the different customs and norms. Some of the most notable historians who paved the way for today’s leaders include: Dennis Chavez, Herman Badillo, Ilena Ros-Lehtinen, Hector P. García, Ramona Acosta Bañuelos, Edward Hidalgo, Bill Richardson and Federico F. Peña. (Patrick, 2004)

Moreover, Beebe (2012) determined that socially based expectations are influencing the way Latinos are seen and it is impacting their ability to become upwardly mobile. This has changed societies perceptions about this demographic and it shifted previous stereotypes. Today, Hispanics are playing an influential part, in determining how new laws are created and ensuring that various policies are applied equally. (Beebe, 2012)

Two competing arguments from the literature include the ideas presented by Patrick and Garcia (2011). Patrick believes that Latino inclusion in the US government is something built after many generations of struggle. Individuals such as: Dennis Chavez, Herman Badillo, Ilena Ros-Lehtinen and Hector P. García; set the stage for future generations to believe they can make a difference. This is leading to policies and attitudes which are taking into account their opinions on a host of issues. (Patrick, 2004)

However, Garcia feels that there are certain programs which are ripping families apart. This is in response to some of the negative perceptions which are directed at Latinos (i.e. immigration, border control and illegal aliens). (Garcia, 2011) These contrasting views are showing the impact of Latinos inside the US government and the challenges they face with various policies which are discriminatory. The result is a divergence in philosophy about their long term impacts on this entity.

III. What is your conclusion?
Clearly, Latinos are having a positive influence on the US government. This is occurring through various historical figures (i.e. Dennis Chavez, Herman Badillo, Ilena Ros-Lehtinen and Hector P. García) serving as role models for future generations. However, there are still many hurdles and obstacles they must overcome. As a result, these individuals must focus on meeting key objectives, in order to reduce negative stereotypes and change these perceptions. In the future, the role of these individuals will create tremendous shifts in thinking, attitudes and policies.

  • Beebe, S. (2012). Interpersonal Communication. Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Garcia, J. (2011). Latino Politics in America. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
  • Patrick, J. (2004). Hispanic Americans in Government. Answer.com. Retrieved from: http://www.answers.com

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