
Leadership Quality Assessment

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An effective leader must demonstrate a high level understanding of this role and the responsibilities associated with achieving the desired objectives. Recognizing the importance of a leadership assessment is the first step in developing strong leadership skills and the knowledge that is required to make positive decisions that will have an impact on the organization. In my own leadership assessment, a number of characteristics were identified that I must continue to work on and which I believe are true to my leadership style and approach. For example, I must continue to focus on identifying and conveying a vision and my ability to transform the team so that the desired impact is achieved (Grant, 2012). My leadership assessment recognizes my abilities and how I have been able to adapt them to the nursing environment in a positive manner. I also believe that my leadership assessment demonstrates a need for further growth and development within this capacity so that I am able to optimize my strengths and minimize my weaknesses to improve the team and the organization.

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My personal leadership style requires a strong commitment to excellence and a high level of dedication to supporting employees as they strive to perform to the best of their ability. I possess a positive approach to leadership that has enabled me to view different options to improve performance and to enhance communication with employees moving forward. This also reflects my need to engage other employees in advancing their skillsets so that they are able to make optimal contributions in the workplace environment. My emphasis must be on making those around me better so that as a whole, we are able to excel in our roles and to make the most of each opportunity that is presented. As part of this process, I must continue to identify areas where the team might improve and be able to motivate them to perform at a high level.

As a nurse leader, I must provide a stable and motivating work environment for my employees, as our treatment of patients requires precise attention and focus. Over the past several weeks, I have further analyzed my performance as a leader and recognize that I have much to learn. This role is challenging on many levels and requires my understanding of the different areas where I might expand my contribution to improve the team, such as enabling team members to have opportunities to expand their education. In addition, I must consider motivational strategies such as a reward system for a job well done. Finally, it may be useful to have regular meetings with staff regarding issues that may arise so that employees feel more comfortable within their roles and are able to contribute to the team at a high level. These examples will demonstrate my ability to be effective in my role, but that I have a long way to go to reach my full leadership potential.

As a leader, I strive to become transformative in my approach to nursing practice and in working with my colleagues to achieve desirable solutions. In a transformative role, I believe that I will unearth my true potential and be able to make a difference in the lives of my patients and in working with nurses. There are many lessons to be learned from this approach, as I must learn how to establish a vision that will lead to organizational improvement, while also considering my responsibility to achieve realistic outcomes (Caldwell et.al, 2012). I firmly believe that a transformative role offers the most creativity and also the freedom to make decisions that may involve some degree of risk, but also support long-term success and opportunity for nursing practice (Caldwell et.al, 2012). This approach also requires effective moral decision-making and ethical responsibility so that there is no unnecessary risk or harm associated with the decisions that are made (Xu, Caldwell, & Anderson, 2016). As a result, I must recognize that transforming the organization must be accomplished in a manner that is consistent with the desired vision and direction in which the organization is headed.

From the perspective of the nursing student, it is important to identify potential leadership characteristics early on in the process, as this reflects an understanding of the type of leader that a student may become in the future. This is a challenge for many students because they are unsure of themselves early on and must continue to explore the limits of their self-confidence in this regard. Students must learn about their own leadership styles by conducting their own leadership assessments, by discussing their objectives with other nurses, and by shadowing nurses and learning about their own leadership experiences. These steps will enable students to recognize their abilities and the challenges that they face in this regard. Furthermore, students should participate in continuing education once they are in leadership roles, participate on different committees that address specific issues, and work in a collaborative manner to discuss leadership perspectives and what is required to achieve success in a leadership role.

As a leader, I must continue to expand my knowledge, skillset, and understanding of this role in order to serve the organization in a positive manner. This requires my undivided attention and my ability to be flexible in meeting the required objectives, while also working to establish a vision that is closely aligned with organizational objectives. It is important to continue to evaluate my progress as a leader and to perform assessments on a regular basis in order to effectively manage my duties, while also remaining flexible in order to address new procedures, trends, or challenges moving forward. This will improve my performance and also enhance my potential to adjust to changes as they emerge, using my role as a transformative leader to move my team to the next level.

  • Caldwell, C., Dixon, R. D., Floyd, L. A., Chaudoin, J., Post, J., & Cheokas, G. (2012).
    Transformative leadership: Achieving unparalleled excellence.Journal of Business Ethics,’109(2), 175-187.
  • Grant, A. M. (2012). Leading with meaning: Beneficiary contact, prosocial impact, and the
    performance effects of transformational leadership.Academy of Management Journal,’55(2), 458-476.
  • Xu, F., Caldwell, C., & Anderson, V. (2016). Moral Implications of Leadership-Transformative Insights.’International Journal of Business and Social Research,’6(03), 76-85.

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