
Life After Death

302 words | 2 page(s)

The concept of life after death remains one of deep philosophical and religious discussions. Various religions and various philosophies offer different belief systems on the topic. Two forms of life after death include reincarnation and resurrection. In reincarnation, the soul is given a different life form in subsequent lives. In this way, people can be rewarded or punished for their behavior in this lifetime. Good people come back in a better form, while bad people come back in a lower life form. In resurrection, the person is returned to life in the same body form that existed in the previous life.

With regards to identity being preserved, resurrection appears the more plausible option. If a person is brought back from the dead, the person will return as the same person. This allows the person’s identity to be kept intact. The person will remember the previous life or lives. This does not occur in reincarnation. The person or creature has no knowledge of what the previous form of being was. If a person believes in reincarnation, the person recognizes that he or she existed in other forms in previous lives. They accept that they will exist in other forms in future lives. However, they do not know anything about the identities of past or future. The identity is not preserved.

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When resurrection is described, such as in the Bible, the person returns to the same identity. This accepts that both the soul and the body have not changed. They belong to that one life form. If one, however, wants to examine the issue from a purely physical form, reincarnation is more likely. All atoms exist after the life form breaks down. They naturally end up in other life forms. However, there is nothing philosophical about this experience. Rather, it is purely physical.

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