
Malicious Attacks

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Technology has evolved quite rapidly into complex intricate systems. These systems are composed of programming language to absolve mistakes, process human ingenuity, drastically changed and according to Evgeny Morozov suggested internet criticism and solutionism. Despite the recognition of the multivalent impacts of technology, there will always pose threats to this new ideology of intrinsic technology that will not only contain uncertainties but limitations (Thanhauser, 2014). These constraints within the world of technology, malicious attacks are a means to forcefully control, abuse or steal personal information through phishing, and not limited to computer viruses to target computers. These code can conceal itself within we content, file download, as well as emails. According to The International Journal of Advanced Research and Computer Science and Software Engineering, several researchers have emphasized that network security is the most critical constituent in information security. Not only does this security tactic aid in preventing various forms of security attacks, but also ensure integrity confidentiality and availability of an information system is well maintained. Despite Network Security or Cryptography to protect transmission or stats network, security attacks and harms to a security system are inevitable (Mohammad, Pandey, Khatoon, 2014).

Classifying security attacks is an inevitable means for networks to target, and become resistant to the exploitation of both active and passive attacks. Passive attacks involves an individual’s decryptions of weak traffic and authentication of website information via passwords. Any form in which disclosure of personal information is exposed without consent or knowledge from the user, minus the social security number is inevitably a passive attack. Active attacks tend to be far more complex, in which various distribution, hardware, malware, exploitation of transit, networked back boning, as well as accessing information remotely. Among the malicious types of software, there are various forms in which the software strikes. For example, an insider attack involves an employee intentionally steak, and damaged information. Other means or phishing in which a hack create a website that is mock version is a falsified IP address, also addressing spoof attacks which gains access to a network without proper firewalls.

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Classes of Malicious Software vary. In fact there are two specific types of Malware, worms and viruses. Basically, these programs are capable of self-replication without utilizing a host. In fact, the dangers of viruses and worms is that they can modify the versions of the content. Much like an actual virus (biologically), virus mutate to survive within its host. Computer have these worms or viruses, and when they self-replicate, their “mutations, the form of malware propagates. Worms differ slightly to viruses in that they operate independently (Mohammad, Pandey, Khatoon, 2014). A virus depends solely on the host, the program running on the computer. For example when an executable file is running, a software platform is present, and when the virus exists on the system, the virus will be unable to replicate until the user opens a specific software application, or program, to incorporate its own programming into the coding. Even worse, viruses can transfer from one computer to another simply with a disk, flash drive, or working within the same network (Mohammad, Pandey, & Khatoon, 2014).

Worms although similar to viruses, functions independently meaning, and a host is not a requirement for Worms to be present on a system. Worms are in fact a standalone software platform, in which, they utilize social engineering. This means that if the network, or computer is not protected, and vulnerabilities are present, the worms take advantages of these “holes: and exploit these features (Radosavljevic, & Belojevic, 2009).

Malicious attacks can appear to have many similarities. Although the end results of each tends to infect and exploit vulnerabilities, their ability to access a network or program differs, and is what makes each of these attacks fascinating, and potentially damaging. A Trojan is another form of malware stemming from Greek Etymology in which Troy, Greek god, was an infiltration tool (Radosavljevic, & Belojevic, 2009). Nonetheless, this Trojan acts as a harmful model of software that creates the image of a legitimate piece of equipment. Trojans are loaded within systems, after they are executed. Upon activation of a Trojan, files delete, data is stolen, viruses and worms can inevitably manifest their software into the host. Trojans damage the host despite the inability to self-replicate. In order for Trojans to spread, user interaction such as open email or downloading suspicious files enables this malware to manifest (Thanhauser, 2014).

In order to properly treat a specific malicious attacks on software, and methodologically find solutions understanding how each malicious attack functions is a means of authentications mechanisms by bypassing, accessing and authenticating mechanisms of malware. Basically, upon understanding the function of a virus, Trojan and worms, the vulnerabilities become present, and the best practices for combating worms, Trojans, and viruses is utilizing an OS (Operating System). The OP is the programs that runs the computer and inevitably runs the monitor, disk drive, mouse, keyboard, and applications (Kim, & Solomon, 2010). On larger scales, the Operating System is responsibility for security. Ensuring that your operating system is up to date is crucial by uploading antivirus software. This software is installed on the system, downloads the updates and warrants that the software has the newest resolutions for the worms, Trojans and viruses. A simple anti-viral software or known as anti-malware not only detects computer viruses, but also stops the replication of malware.

Not only does a software protect against Trojans, worms, and viruses, they also help with spyware, fraud tools, ransomware, phishing attacks, and even adware (Radosavljevic, & Belojevic, 2009). This executable software literally embeds executable objects into non executable file formats. These file format are seen as vulnerabilities for Trojans. Additionally, detection algorithms are intertwined within the anti-malware. Nonetheless, this software is phenomenal because anti-viral protection provides on-access scanning as well as real0time protection. The software continuously monitors objects in “real time” or uploaded into the computers activity memory (Kim, & Solomon, 2010).

  • Radosavljevic, V. & Belojevic, G., (2009). eJournal A-Z: ECO Electronic Collections Online: Search Attacks on the Internet:. A New Model of Bioterrorism Risk Assessment. Bio security and Bioterrorism 7, no. 4: 443-451, 2009.
  • Kim, D, & Solomon, M. (2010). Fundamentals of information systems security. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  • Mohammad, I., Pandey, R. Khatoon, A. (2014). A Review of Types of Software of Security Attacks and Malicious Software in Network Security. Volume 4: (5): 413-416. ISSN: 2277 128X
  • Thanhauser, B. (2014). A prophet for the digital heretics: Evgeny morozov’s quest to debunk silicon valley solutionism. The SAIS Review of International Affairs, 34(1), 161-164.

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