
Computer Science Essay Examples

In the contemporary world, computer technology and connectivity form the basis of our society’s fabric. In this case, security and protection have become some of the most important aspects of any computer network. Primarily, open port security and firewalls have become a significant security threat for attacks by hackers and...

933 words | 4 page(s)

Information systems security is an adaptable machine made up of various software, hardware, and wetware that has evolved dramatically from rudimentary in man’s early days to complex and ever efficient in the present. Eunuchs are a great example of a rudimentary information security system: they were used to protect queens,...

576 words | 2 page(s)

There are many different software vulnerabilities that, if exploited, can result in the software being completely taken over, data being stolen, or the prevention of the software from working at all (Martin, et al., 2011). In working to identify and describe one of those types of vulnerabilities and the famous...

373 words | 2 page(s)

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Taylor Ambulance Service provides ambulance and emergency transport services for the City of Kelsey. A number of devices are used in the provision of services. The network is exposed to threats from several potential sources. The most important type of threats are those that can render the system inoperable and...

646 words | 3 page(s)

Abstract This paper will be presented in the form of a letter to an executive, working to explain what normalization is, how it may be applied to the database, and address the problems that are associated with data redundancy as pertaining to using information for reporting analysis. It will discuss...

783 words | 3 page(s)

Both, the technology of the 1990s and the technology of these days are based on the significant breakthroughs which opened up lots of new ways for approaching the digitalization. At the same time, when looking at the technological advancements in the current years and back in the 1990s, a lot...

334 words | 2 page(s)

On several occasions, the gaming industry experienced Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) network attacks. These attacks paralyzed many online gaming sites including Sony’s PlayStation (Jensen, 2017). DDoS attack forced many online gaming sites to go offline because of the huge traffic experienced. Online gaming customers also felt the heat of...

372 words | 2 page(s)

Zero day attacks, also known as zero day exploits, are defined as an exploitation of any online software or company that occurs before the breach in security is announced. The name is a fitting description, as it means to relay the fact that this security threat has accessed confidential information...

347 words | 2 page(s)

Technology has evolved quite rapidly into complex intricate systems. These systems are composed of programming language to absolve mistakes, process human ingenuity, drastically changed and according to Evgeny Morozov suggested internet criticism and solutionism. Despite the recognition of the multivalent impacts of technology, there will always pose threats to this...

1064 words | 4 page(s)

A malicious attack is any attempt to take advantage of a computer or network through viruses or social engineering. In terms of computing, it is an electronic or physical action taken with the intent of acquiring, destroying or accessing the user’s information without authorization. There are various types of malicious...

1004 words | 4 page(s)

Postman (1993) writes that the computer “has not yet come close to the printing press in its power to generate radical and substantive social, political, and religious thought” (116). This is undoubtedly true; but, putting aside the fact that we have had computers for barely fifty years and the printing...

1112 words | 4 page(s)

Variables may be discrete or continuous. A continuous variable can be any number including decimals/fractions -- for example, buying ground beef at the butcher's counter of the grocery store involves a continuous variable. A person could buy 3.58 pounds of ground beef, 2 1/2 pounds, or some other portion of...

367 words | 2 page(s)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already transforming our lives and the jobs that are available, in many ways. As Kevin Maney points out in his article, “How Artificial Intelligence and Robots Will Radically Transform the Economy” (Maney), many devices that have been used for decades are forms of AI. His favorite...

922 words | 4 page(s)

1. The following will identify the level (user, programmer of application software, and designer of the DBMS software) within a database system at which each of the following concerns or activities occurs: a. How data should be stored on a disk to maximize efficiency occurs on the level of the...

402 words | 2 page(s)

Introduction Data storage takes place in a variety of forms. The use of sparse matrices is a way to reduce the wastage of space which is a major disadvantage of the normal two dimensional storage systems. Data storage can also take place in lists. There are certain features that are...

645 words | 3 page(s)

Abstract This paper will serve as a proposal for a master’s thesis project in the field of artificial intelligence. By working to apply inductive reasoning to the concept of mining data in social media networks it will be possible to analyze user behavior in such an open forum through the...

797 words | 3 page(s)

The program is organized into a java class. The java class “MyPacman” has been used here as a public class making all the codes within the class to be accessible from other parts of the program without restrictions. Unlike in many programs, no package has been used for this case....

325 words | 2 page(s)

Remote access to the company’s intranet would be restricted to authorized users only, who would connect to the VPN (Virtual Private Network), a password protected remote access link to the servers and internal company sites that are required in order for the employee to work effectively, with access to all...

788 words | 3 page(s)

In programming, the term “exception” refers to an event whose occurrence impacts on the normal flow of instructions of the program. The occurrence of an error in a method will result in the creation of an object that will be directed to the runtime system, a process referred to as...

414 words | 2 page(s)

In “The Impending Demise of Net Neutrality,” the author, Elliot D. Cohen argues that the current system of American internet usage threatens to ruin the freedom of information among individuals. He examines the historical background of net neutrality and significant court cases related to it. However, his article focuses more...

1059 words | 4 page(s)

To Apple, a global phenomenon in consumer technology, the website says that “the most innovative company must also be the most diverse.” Apple’s innovation of products throughout the years has earned it the reputation of a global powerhouse and one of the most creative and ground-breaking brands in the world....

1233 words | 5 page(s)

The internet is a disruptive technology that has affected computing and communications. The invention of the telephone, radio, the telegraph and computers formed the basic foundations for the development of the internet. The internet has evolved over time and is currently used as a means of communication and social interaction....

1435 words | 5 page(s)

In my future profession as a computer technician, I will work to install software, enter in commands necessary in order to perform basic troubleshooting functions, and complete necessary tasks in order to resolve specific issues. The data that will be input into the computer system will depend on the piece...

377 words | 2 page(s)

On occasion, people may think that the Java programming language was built for the web, but this is not the case. Its design and development was indeed independent of the web; going through various stages of metamorphosis at sun microsystems to reach the current status of the web’s de facto...

717 words | 3 page(s)

A programmer is an individual who composes and formulates instructions that computer systems use to perform various activities. A programmer makes use of various coding languages to develop the instructions for various systems. This individual applies various scientific and logical expressions in the engineering processes of the software applications through...

329 words | 2 page(s)

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