
Marketing Channels

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1) A distribution channel is a set of interdependent organizations that make available for use products or services. My contention would be that the most important marketing channel for a new product would be the product availability. As a new product or business, the product availability will vary with the product’s characteristic and the target’s customers. Some products may demand immediate availability (perishable products) while immediate availability is lLess critical for unique and important products as consumer specialty goods or major industrial equipment and installations.” “Distribution Channels.” Home. Ed. Paul Ducham. McGraw-Hill, 2013. Web. 21 May 2013.

2) The problem with global marketing is that a business is dealing with multiple languages and customs. Therefore, even the language on a product will have to be translated multiple times. If what is offered is service, a company will have to have employees that speak multiple languages and are also familiar with a certain culture’s social norms and conventions. The “Four P’s” of marketing–product, price, placement, and promotion-will all need to be adjusted in different markets. “The Global Economy.” – Importance of Marketing. Boundless, n.d. Web. 21 May 2013.

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3) Sephora could improve its supply channel management by the following: reducing inventory; improved transportation so that customers can ultimately receive their products in a more timely fashion; and better communication will enable the product to reach the customers more easily. Kedrowski, Thomas J. “Improving Supply Chain Management Drives a Turnaround in Tumultuous times.” Recently Filed RSS. N.p., 22 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 May 2013.

4) I am choosing Apple, which has been rated the number one retail store by USA Today. The tasks Apple would have had to face would be multiple considering their product is on the high-end of computer technology for consumers. Apple would have had to develop a “retail marketing strategy involving market research, product and promotional mix planning, budgeting and evaluation.” The very first move, however, would have been the identification of a target market, which is the most important step for a retail outlet. Apple would have had to recognize both its customer base and what exactly they were looking for in their product. I imagine that for Apple, their customers would have been willing to pay more for ease of use of the computers and would have looked for quality applications that are easy to use, which is the difference with any PC. One can really sit down with any Apple product and figure out how to use its software. That’s why most Apple products don’t even have instructions–something that baffled me when I bought my first Apple computer. Apple would also have picked its locations wisely and I think most stores are in the right location. For example, many Best Buys now contain an Apple portion of the store. Apple stores are most commonly found in shopping malls. I have not seen too many stand-alone Apple stores, which is smart because Apple wants customers to come in and play with their products. Akers, Helen, and Jessica Seminara. “How Do I Develop a Retain Marketing Strategy?” WiseGeek. Conjecture, n.d. Web. 21 May 2013.

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