In the course of our lives, we go through certain events that we would never want to forget about. In fact, there are cases where we would want to recall the finest details of such occurrences. Important turning points and climax situations in our lives will more often be kept with us for as long as we are still alive. In the event that we may want to keep detailed written records of these happenings, it becomes important to develop a memoir. It is a writing of one’s own account of experiences that are worth recalling. Most people write their own memoirs. However, in the current world, there are professional memoir writers that will only rely on hints and templates to develop memoirs for other people. Templates will give them some extent ‘real’ picture of the scene, but the extent to which they can use them to build comprehensive memoirs is our major point of concern.
Developing Memoirs from Templates
In most cases, the template will be given by the person for whom the memoir is to be written. Guidelines to the end memoir may also come from the person or the writer’s research. There are relevant points of reference that guide memoir writers to make successful use of templates.
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Using Templates Based on Basic Memoir Writing Procedure
A good memoir writer will jump to the end of the memoir to determine how the course of activities end or to realize the aftermath of all the activities involved (Asher, 2012; 02). Thus, sufficient information about the end of the memoir will be very instrumental for the writer in developing the memoir. Having known where the events lead to, the template will have to provide the biggest of all the events that took place in the person’s life. This will help in developing the major themes associated with the life of that person memoir is to be written.
A good template will in most cases have additional information relating to the pre-birth events of the person. Data about one’s parents, grandparents or even close family associates will help build a comprehensive introductory statement. A prolog will also be necessary to provide guidelines to the main narrative section of the memoir (Lara, 2010; 01). This will be synthesized by the writer and a summary drawn from it to cater for the most important events that are worth being included in the memoir. Synthesis and summarization is important to the writer since the template will have restrictions on the page extent that the memoir is supposed to cover. Psychological decision-making will be important at this section, since the writer will have to judge what is important in the life of the person, and filter out the ‘irrelevant’ segments.
Once all these are taken into consideration, the writer will be ready to develop flowing sentences to present the person’s life events (Trimbur, 2002; 04). The template or guide will give hints on selecting what is relevant for the memoir. A comparison between a memoir written personally and that written by another person on one’s behalf will however reveal differences, especially psychological expression of events. A contracted writer will not be in a position to express the real psychological and emotional content of the events that the person went through.
A template will give substantial guide to a memoir writer, together with the data provided by the memoir owner. By following the steps involved in developing a memoir, a writer will be in a position to develop concrete data, but the emotional and psychological expressions may not be felt (Myers, 2010). This is limited to the participation of the memoir owner.