
Montana 1948 and a River Runs Through It

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Montana 1948 revolves around the life of David Hayden who is a serious yet a very shy boy. He wishes to run away from the town that he grew in as he blames it for a few things. His father is the sheriff of the town while his mother worked as a secretary at the registers deeds office. A River Runs Through tells the story of Norman Maclean who also grew up in Montana and loved nature. Both stories talk about brotherly love that they felt for each other and the challenges they met when growing up until their adult years.

David was always an inward child and was not comfortable with his life in his town. He had a baby sitter called Marie Little Soldier whom he loved very much. She had gone to Mercer County since her mother had recently been married to a man named Frenchy who lived there. Marie loved to talk and her laughter made David’s heart melt. She was 6 feet tall and had high cheek bones on a wide face. Her hair was black, long and straight and David found her to be very pretty which lead to him having a crush on him. However, what happened to her when he was just 12 years old made him change completely. After her death, David says, “and I loved her, because she talked to me and cared for me…….Because she was older but not too old…..Because she was not as quiet and conventional as every other adult I knew… Because she was sexy, though mu love for her was, as a twelve year olds love often is, chaste”.

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Norman and Paul both love fishing and they spend most of their days in this activity. However, Norman is not as good as his brother in this activity. This makes Norman admire his brother for his skills in fly-fishing. Paul however has a drinking problem, which causes Norman to be very concerned. He is in a dilemma on how to start on the topic of his rehabilitation, as he does not want to appear that he is criticizing him. Normans once says,” like many fly fishermen in western Montana where the summer days are almost Arctic in length, I often do not start fishing until the cool evening. Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise. Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world’s greatest fold and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of those rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs. I am haunted by waters”.

Mr. Hayden is a sheriff who has served his second term as the sheriff. He was born in Mercer County in the year 1910. However, he is not very religious. His father, Mr. Jillian Hayden was also a sheriff, had a big ranch and used his power as sheriff to control people. He spoke in foul language in front of everyone. He lacked manners and was rude to David’s father. David pitied his father a lot since he knew he had a hard time growing up. However, his grandfather’s stand was that family is more important than justice. Mrs. Gail Hayden wanted her husband to get out of the shadow of his father. She longed to move back to North Dakota where she could raise David in a bigger community.

Frank Hayden is a doctor who is a charming and charismatic. He was a good athlete all through high school and college and was his father’s favorite son. However, he has been raping the Native American women in their town. When Marie falls ill, Frank is called so as to give her treatment. However, Marie refuses. Franks sees Marie as a threat and finally kills her and makes Davis family believe that she died out of the illness. Marie’s family then takes her body and buries her in North Dakota. However, David was not convinced by the cause of death for his baby sitter. Therefore, he finds ways to get to the bottom of the story. He discovers what his uncle has been doing to the women and what he has been doing to Marie. He goes ahead and tells his father about it. When Frank is confronted about it, he denies everything. However, his father suggests that instead of Frank being thrown into prison, they detain him in the house so as not to tarnish his name. Franks father gets wind of this and sends men to break Frank out of his prison. However, they never succeeded as Gail put up a good fight. That night he commits suicide in the basement where he was imprisoned.

Norman and Paul live different lives. However, they are bound with brotherly love for each other. Jesse, the wife to Norman also has a brother called Neil who has a drinking problem. Bothe husband and wife are concerned with the way their brothers live their lives. Paul spends most of his time gambling and drinking. Brotherly love is evident as they try their best to get them out of their alcoholic behaviors. However, they are afraid that their drinking problems will eventually lead to their deaths. However, this is what happens as Paul is killed in a drinking brawl, which leads Norman to sink into much sadness.

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